More Wood Projects


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
No idea where this one is from, but I thought y'all might like it


This one's from Louisiana Market Shops


John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
The kitchen is remarkably like my own... Ours is wany-edged Elm.
I would send pics but it is buried in kitchen carp and the makings of breakfast at the moment.
We got the Elm dirt cheap as it had a big split in the centre - right where we cut the hole for the sink it is about 10' long by 2.5" thick. One end is curved to avoid folk walking into a corner and as well as covering 3 cupboards the slab covers our kitchen bins. A extension to the work surface in quarry tiles takes it up to the cooker and completes the run of the length of the kitchen.
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John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Later perhaps - once the wife has finished the washing up and I can move such things as kettles, cutting boards et al so that the wood is visible :)

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
OK - she has finished washing up...
So - the photo of the kitchen top does not show off the figuring in the wood to its best... and the OP has more waney edge - I but I have the matching staircase and stove :)
Sorry about the mess - herself has been a bit slack about the housework recently, blaming the Xmas cards she has had to write....
Hey - this is no show home we live here :)


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Lovely Mr. Fenna, and strangely how I imagined your house would look, a warm "hobbity" feel (please don't take that the wrong way it's meant as a compliment).

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Aye - very comfy!
And I do have hairy toes...
The house is between 100 and 200 years old and has seen many modifications over the years. It started off with a half loft and had a second story added some time after mud between the rocks building had been replaced with lime and ash mortar - as this meant that the walls could be thinner there is a "step" in the walls.... At some point it had an Inglnook fire place added using a ships timber as a beam. The door between the living room and the kitchen is so low (and with a pitchpine door with blacksmith made hinges) that even I at 5'5" have to duck or get a smack just above the eyebrows - it is fun watching my 6' plus pals negotiate the doorway!
The widows on the original bedroom windows (we added a garage with a bedroom and my workroom above plus a decent porch to replace a shoddy lean-to garage and even shoddier porch) are in "wobbly" glass with blacksmith hinges and closers. We had to replace the original floor of 1" thick slate slabs on clay and ash (we put in concrete with a DPM plus insulation of polystyrene topped with chipboard) as the original slates had been walked through by hears of use. The remaining decent slates were re-used in the fireplace, my confuser corner and the "library" where the original half turn, boxed in stairs went up.
We made lots of alterations to the house as the previous owner had "modernised" and messed up a lot of original features.
I would love the dosh to have another crack at doing it up ... but that will take a lottery win... there are still original features such as drafts and some of the bits we built on need replacing now. The carpets we put down as a "stop-gap" when we moved in 35 years ago (second hand even then) are still going strong in most places but are of awful 50s and 60s patterns and we would like to remove some of the 60s "modernisations" such as the metal frame livingroom window and cement wash outer finish (returning it to honest lime so that the joists will not rot - they are on joist hangers where they have already rotted!
The Ingle and Xmas mess!


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.