Went off to one with high expectations and had my hopes dashed. Twas crap.
The published bootfair book listed it as having 100 sellers but there must have been only 50 and most of those were selling stuff at stupid prices. Saw a drawknife up for €30!! (£26) Someting tells me they took it home with them.
Most old tool stalls had things on there that were just blobs of rust that once looked like an axe head or hammer head, they were too far gone beyond salvaging. I asked out of curiosity and hearing €5 made me drop the tool in sheer disgust. The only thing I did find was a hand plough (gardening tool) for my mate in the UK who's had me look out for one for him for the past year, finally nabbed one for €4.
Came away feeling cheated that I didn't nab anything for myself. I'm sure you know the feeling.
Dave, you certainly hit the jackpot there mate, well done!