

Sep 21, 2010
my son plays this, but i limit his time and really dont like him playing on it. i'd prefer him to be out in the "real" garden and strech his legs!


Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
I have 6 offspring, and 2 that i consider my own! I have been through every possible game/computer thing there is as the oldest is now 26, i have wasted literally thousands on consoles and games, for all of the latest must have! My latest are into Kindle, from last christmas, which was supposed to be for reading and education purposes! Silly me.

Just a personal opinion of course, but i would ban all of it, couldn't think of a worse way to spend time, absolute rubbish, get out there and enjoy the great outdoors, and i ain't the healthiest!

Oh Yeah, the computer graphics for Minecrap, (from the op) look like a 5 year old has done them.

Once again, an opinion and letting my worthless two penneth out, surely there must be gaming websites where this stuff can be discussed.


Shambling Shaman

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 1, 2006
In The Wild
my son plays this, but i limit his time and really dont like him playing on it. i'd prefer him to be out in the "real" garden and strech his legs!

I have 6 offspring, and 2 that i consider my own! I have been through every possible game/computer thing there is as the oldest is now 26, i have wasted literally thousands on consoles and games, for all of the latest must have! My latest are into Kindle, from last christmas, which was supposed to be for reading and education purposes! Silly me.

Just a personal opinion of course, but i would ban all of it, couldn't think of a worse way to spend time, absolute rubbish, get out there and enjoy the great outdoors, and i ain't the healthiest!

Oh Yeah, the computer graphics for Minecrap, (from the op) look like a 5 year old has done them.

Once again, an opinion and letting my worthless two penneth out, surely there must be gaming websites where this stuff can be discussed.


Both very valid points, it is about balance. We still play board games and come the weekends our kids are asking where we're going? As they love going out camping/campervan ect.


Jan 21, 2013
England(Scottish Native)
I have 6 offspring, and 2 that i consider my own! I have been through every possible game/computer thing there is as the oldest is now 26, i have wasted literally thousands on consoles and games, for all of the latest must have! My latest are into Kindle, from last christmas, which was supposed to be for reading and education purposes! Silly me.

Just a personal opinion of course, but i would ban all of it, couldn't think of a worse way to spend time, absolute rubbish, get out there and enjoy the great outdoors, and i ain't the healthiest!

Oh Yeah, the computer graphics for Minecrap, (from the op) look like a 5 year old has done them.

Once again, an opinion and letting my worthless two penneth out, surely there must be gaming websites where this stuff can be discussed.

If you think I'm an advocate of needless spending on gadgets, you'd be wrong. I like to understand computers and how they work... I enjoy the theory behind it, address buses, arithmetic logic units and so forth. There's a huge difference learning how computers work and just buying all the latest gear to seem trendy and "cool". I don't go out and buy all the latest products and I most certainly don't live by them. I don't even have enough money to spend on things like that. I have a computer and a phone... That's it. I'd much rather receive a book than a new phone or something.

And since we're on the subject, I more than anyone understand the danger of reclusive gaming addiction. So no, I'm not saying everyone should turn to games. I only mentioned this because it's at least related to the outdoors.
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Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 12, 2011
Once again, an opinion and letting my worthless two penneth out, surely there must be gaming websites where this stuff can be discussed.


Playing devils advocate

To be fair it's in the "other chatter" section, and no one's forcing you to read it, let alone reply. Could say the same about fame threads?


Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Ok, firstly i apologise, for replying to a thread i have no interest in really, i was not suggesting that the op, was a geek, i was just expressing an opinion, on the subject matter, and that through parenthood, rightly or wrongly, i think i am still a little bitter about how foolish i was to pamper to my childrens whims, over the years, and yes to be fair mountainm, i post my fair share of unbushcraft material, so once again, it should have been one of those posts i bypassed

I will get my coat!



Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 12, 2011
Ok, firstly i apologise, for replying to a thread i have no interest in really, i was not suggesting that the op, was a geek, i was just expressing an opinion, on the subject matter, and that through parenthood, rightly or wrongly, i think i am still a little bitter about how foolish i was to pamper to my childrens whims, over the years, and yes to be fair mountainm, i post my fair share of unbushcraft material, so once again, it should have been one of those posts i bypassed

I will get my coat!


It was meant in good nature, you're good company to have in a thread so to speak so don't run off on my account.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jun 15, 2008
My 8 year old plays it as do all his friends. Its the one game I can't stand playing with him to be honest!. Red Dead Redemption is more my style when he's gone to bed.


Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Hey mountainm, i know i can be a little outspoken at times, and i certainly don't mean to cause offence, unless i want to of course!

I understand people post things that interest them and think might be of interest to others.

I just saw the graphics, and it all came flooding back to me, i now am "parent" to a 9 year old and a 12 year old, i am sure you have seen plenty of my pics and nonsense, including them, not making excuses, but we had six weeks of absolute outdoor heaven, the school holiday finished, and oh blimey! It got dark/wet and miserable, the 9 year old was straight back to getting up at 6am, and playing games on his kindle, before you know it, it's 8.00am and you find yourself saying time to get ready for school, then at 3.30pm, if he can, straight in the door and on the fully charged kindle, until dinner time.

If you are not careful(purely because he is quiet) this becomes a problem, i know it is down to me to be the responsible adult in this, and am weaning him off, something which is like a drug.

Not sure where i am going with this, but my old dad said to me "everything in moderation son" That coupled with the fact, apart from space invaders in the pub, i have had absolutely no interest in any kind of computer generated game, so i think i am bound to be biased.

So i will let you gents, carry on, sorry to have disturbed the game.


Hope some of it makes sense.


Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 12, 2011
Not sure where i am going with this, but my old dad said to me "everything in moderation son" That coupled with the fact, apart from space invaders in the pub, i have had absolutely no interest in any kind of computer generated game, so i think i am bound to be biased.

So i will let you gents, carry on, sorry to have disturbed the game.


Hope some of it makes sense.

I have 2 boys, 4 and 8. I'm starting to make sure "screen time" (games and tv) is earnt.


Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Oh I wish i could type like i talk! Things are massively different than when i was a lad, won't go on but, no computers/mobiles/games consoles etc etc, so it was a case of make your own entertainment, i remember saying to my dad, only once ever mind you "i'm bored" Oh that was a big mistake, i spent the next two hours cutting the dead heads off all the roses, i did not make that mistake again!

I understand progress! As best i can, and people say you turn into your parents, we are all different, and there certainly is not a manual on parenting, i have had a few goes at it, and as times change you have a new set of problems to overcome, cyber bullying etc etc, but what do you do when your kids say "it's not fair! All of my mates are on Facebook, And look at how much time you spend on that Bushcraft nonsense!"

No wonder, the best place for me is up the woods or on the moor!



Jan 21, 2013
England(Scottish Native)
Ok, firstly i apologise, for replying to a thread i have no interest in really, i was not suggesting that the op, was a geek, i was just expressing an opinion, on the subject matter, and that through parenthood, rightly or wrongly, i think i am still a little bitter about how foolish i was to pamper to my childrens whims, over the years, and yes to be fair mountainm, i post my fair share of unbushcraft material, so once again, it should have been one of those posts i bypassed

I will get my coat!

Ivan, I get the feeling in your most recent posts that you think I'm one of those kids who only wishes to play games and shut out the outside world. I do hope that is not the case. I'll say again that the only reason I made this thread is simply because it's the only computer game I'd recommend to Bushcrafters. And yes, we understand that back in your day you didn't have these luxuries. I'm sorry, but it's a little bit tedious. I understand. I was a bit cautious about posting this because I understand that the majority of users on this forum weren't brought up in this digital age. I must stress that this was not an attempt to come to BCUK trying to advocating computer games as opposed to exploring the outdoors.

I think this thread has run its course.
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