Mess tins

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How do you manage to fry sausages ? and eggs ? I found even mushrooms stuck in mine :sigh:

Otherwise, I agree, they're fine, for one….I rarely cook for one. Don't really do rat pack type foods either, tbh. They do pour from easily, and they have good handles :) that counts, it really does.
I still want a good nonstick version :)
Hear? I found that if I put four pebbles inside the bigger one, and put an oiled tinfoil ashet (the tray things carryout rice comes in) on top, put dough in that, and put the smaller one on like a lid, I can bake a 'loaf' in them :) or good cornbread :)

How do you manage to fry sausages ? and eggs ? I found even mushrooms stuck in mine :sigh:

Otherwise, I agree, they're fine, for one….I rarely cook for one. Don't really do rat pack type foods either, tbh. They do pour from easily, and they have good handles :) that counts, it really does.
I still want a good nonstick version :)
Hear? I found that if I put four pebbles inside the bigger one, and put an oiled tinfoil ashet (the tray things carryout rice comes in) on top, put dough in that, and put the smaller one on like a lid, I can bake a 'loaf' in them :) or good cornbread :)

I tried to scramble eggs in sn aluminium pan once. NEVER EVER AGAIN will I try that.
YTHe Aussies in Borneo found that the British rectangular mess tins were bigger than was needed so cut them down to half the depth, lighter and less volume in their packs. This became the standard for their Army ( factory made ) ( may still be ) and I have a pair made in the 1960s. When I used the British ones as a kid I don't think I ever used them more than a third full ( about a can full ).

As a emergency brew kit for the car I used the large one with a old private purchase lid/ frying pan ( has a patent stamped on it ) which has a slide out handle on it. It's not nonstick so I'd only ever used it as a lid to speed up boiling.

The original design was aluminium but during the war a tinned steel version with bulges on the sides ( just the smaller one I think) that acted like springs to stop the cans rattling was introfuced as a economy . The shape was to fit in one of the two front internal pockets of the new small pack that came with the 1937 pattern webbing. Whether this was a rehash of some earlier Mills Company "system" I can't say off the top of my head. Prior to that they were still using the D shaped tin jobs that came in at the end of the 18 th century ( ok there was various forms but basically the same ) and became standard about 1812.

My old mate Rog can give chapter and verse


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Now look you lot, my cooking abilities extend only as far as opening a ration pack ok? Or if it's not in a packet with a 'Best before date' of something like 5 years into the future, it don't go into the wood...:lmao:
Scrambled eggs? Sausages? making bread!! good grief how you foodies do live..

Here's a typical 5 days rations..


I'm happy with anything that just quells hunger so ration packs or similar suit me very well, food in general features way down my list for time spent in the wood or anywhere outdoors for me. Just a personal thing, no sophistication at is just fuel get it down your neck. Although if someone invited me to dine at the Ritz Hotel I would..Double egg and chips please Monsieur Chef...
I pretty much gave up on Mess Tins per se when my body gave up enjoying longer walk-ins to camp.
Now I use billies converted from Coffee storage tins/biscuit barrels, a Cast Iron frying pan and if I am staying in one place for several days more Cast Iron in the form of a Bakestone and/or Dutch Oven.
If I am going light then it is just a Crusader set for me - with home made Ali lid.
I still have mess tin sets around - a Swedish "Trangia" set lives in the van, an MOD set lives in my work bag (it holds a rarely used brew kit).
My 5 cooking utensils would comprise - Biscuit Barrel Billycan, Cast Iron frying pan, Dutch Oven, Crusader Mug, home made lid for the mug.
"...Yet there are pages both here on this website and across the internet devoted to modifying them, fitting handles, lifting rings, new bale arms and replacing the awful plastic lid clips etc..."

From a bushcrafty/outdoorsperson perspective a cooking pot has a multitude of uses beyond being something to simply cook in.

Food and water storage, gear storage, shovel (snow or earth), to carry a smudge fire etc. etc. The larger Zebra's serve these purposes well and anyone wanting to build a better billy can/mess tin should consider those uses too.
Now look you lot, my cooking abilities extend only as far as opening a ration pack ok? Or if it's not in a packet with a 'Best before date' of something like 5 years into the future, it don't go into the wood...:lmao:
Scrambled eggs? Sausages? making bread!! good grief how you foodies do live..

Here's a typical 5 days rations..


I'm happy with anything that just quells hunger so ration packs or similar suit me very well, food in general features way down my list for time spent in the wood or anywhere outdoors for me. Just a personal thing, no sophistication at is just fuel get it down your neck. Although if someone invited me to dine at the Ritz Hotel I would..Double egg and chips please Monsieur Chef...

Egg n chips is easy in my Wok and a good Bit of Oil

easy to clean

Stir fry is ideal for Bush camping as it was developed to cook food quickly with minimal use of small Fuel ie twigs Before a mass shortage of Wood fuel China's Cooking was quite different more Pots of Stews cooked for long hrs



Slow roast lamb with port gravy and Ruff three root Mash

only cos i really dont do enough any more to jsutify it that ive not set up to a full Billy oven Mod ;)


Rat packs Yeh Tastes like ......... but you can live of em
Oh I don't know, pneumatic tyres after all were a pretty nifty improvement to a well established technology :)

Take Zebra billy-cans for instance, relatively light, tough stainless steel construction, versatile, comes in range of sizes, adored by some desired by many. Yet there are pages both here on this website and across the internet devoted to modifying them, fitting handles, lifting rings, new bale arms and replacing the awful plastic lid clips etc

Why do I like that ?, because it's true ?

The best mess tin ive found is a 7 inch skillet. Its round and spreads the heat evenly. Efficient. The sides are not as high. Bacon fits in it. It does not pour brilliantly, but well enough. Fry and boil both.

Things id look foir

handle enableing complete control

I paid 30 quid for the msr alpine skillet (inc p+p) and still had to find another lid. + for lid

Definatley a lip for pouring


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