I'm thinking aloud, apologies if it's wrong forum.
For instance instead of spending money and then paying it off on a credit card at end of month.
I've spent idle hours perfecting a cheap stainless wood stove in back garden - neighbours must think I'm mad.
Storm kettle and pot noodle with my son and walking the dog.
Like some demented madman in a car park with a wonderful view -boiling storm popping kettle for several cups of tea.
I have several axes and hatchets, forged axe with a handle guaranteed to cause blisters.
Hickory handled hatchet- if that's your thing.
£5.99 fibreglass hatchet with razor sharp blade- chopped several bags of kindling from wood offcuts - so it's paid for itself.
We had a fire this evening.
Helped a friend with his car for an hour and his handbrake now adjusted.
Serviced our old lawnmower in hope it lasts a few more years.
Sold something and didn't make a grand amount, but person happy with it and it's not cluttering up my house.
I'm rambling like an idiot, but I'm saying good enough doesn't have to be latest and greatest- it's what you do with that time that matters and sense of satisfaction.
For instance instead of spending money and then paying it off on a credit card at end of month.
I've spent idle hours perfecting a cheap stainless wood stove in back garden - neighbours must think I'm mad.
Storm kettle and pot noodle with my son and walking the dog.
Like some demented madman in a car park with a wonderful view -boiling storm popping kettle for several cups of tea.
I have several axes and hatchets, forged axe with a handle guaranteed to cause blisters.
Hickory handled hatchet- if that's your thing.
£5.99 fibreglass hatchet with razor sharp blade- chopped several bags of kindling from wood offcuts - so it's paid for itself.
We had a fire this evening.
Helped a friend with his car for an hour and his handbrake now adjusted.
Serviced our old lawnmower in hope it lasts a few more years.
Sold something and didn't make a grand amount, but person happy with it and it's not cluttering up my house.
I'm rambling like an idiot, but I'm saying good enough doesn't have to be latest and greatest- it's what you do with that time that matters and sense of satisfaction.