Lowered expectations and greater happiness

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Feb 6, 2025
Waiting to escape
I'm thinking aloud, apologies if it's wrong forum.

For instance instead of spending money and then paying it off on a credit card at end of month.

I've spent idle hours perfecting a cheap stainless wood stove in back garden - neighbours must think I'm mad.

Storm kettle and pot noodle with my son and walking the dog.

Like some demented madman in a car park with a wonderful view -boiling storm popping kettle for several cups of tea.

I have several axes and hatchets, forged axe with a handle guaranteed to cause blisters.

Hickory handled hatchet- if that's your thing.

£5.99 fibreglass hatchet with razor sharp blade- chopped several bags of kindling from wood offcuts - so it's paid for itself.
We had a fire this evening.

Helped a friend with his car for an hour and his handbrake now adjusted.

Serviced our old lawnmower in hope it lasts a few more years.

Sold something and didn't make a grand amount, but person happy with it and it's not cluttering up my house.

I'm rambling like an idiot, but I'm saying good enough doesn't have to be latest and greatest- it's what you do with that time that matters and sense of satisfaction.
I’m very much of a mind to Keep it Simple, and like you, I’m finding I enjoy life more without constantly distracting myself. I confess to being a gear freak and used to self justify another Maxpedition bag, or a Fjallraven coat, or the latest whatever. Your purchase of a Blue Spot hand axe, my purchase would have been a Gransfor Bruks. But recent events have me thinking so much less in material terms, and apart from the occasional bit of retail therapy, I don’t need any more stuff. I already have too much. I have to cart it when I move, store it when I’m home not using it (most of the time), and it’s not coming with me when I’m gone and it’ll encumber anyone who has to deal with it.

I opened a box in my sisters garage the other day and found 3 hammocks and 3 DD tarps (lightweight, regular 3x3m, and a 4x4m). I think I’ll keep one of them, just in case, but not one for every scenario from lightweight walk-ins to 3 day snow missions. :lmao:
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You are what you do, not what (and how expensive) you buy.

I think that a lot of people forget this, and fall into the trap of trying to accumulate money and increasingly expensive possessions at the expense of actually having experiences and the satisfaction of making and maintaining things themselves.

There is far more enjoyment to be had from achieving useful things yourself than from buying some new kit or, even less satisfying, status symbols (that few, if any, people will notice or care about).
I've got too much stuff. I had lots of ideas when we had lockdown, and all I could do dream about doing things. Big plans, get the stuff I need, most never used, and probably never will be.
It's breaking my back trying to get rid of it all, but its a work in progress, and tho I may have to let go of many (I know now) ridiculous plans for adventures that will never happen, it kept me sane at the time.
When I consider what I moved into this house with as regards possessions, and what I have now after 25 years in one place, it's somewhat scary, and I need to get back to what I once had during a more nomadic life.
Simplicity is best. The rest is a burden.
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As for all posts, this one is not a comment on other people’s life choices. It simply describes mine.

All too frequently I have referred to myself here as an “adequist”.
If something will do then it will do, I have no idea how to be a perfectionist. Once I know how a thing can be done I tend to lose interest and only pursue it to the point where it functions. I’ve whittled two balls in a cage out of fire wood but now I know I can do it I haven’t finished the project. I’m content with the fundamental success.

This attitude refers to activity and skills as much as it refers to stuff.

A bushcraft example:
I use an Opinel 12 stainless steel bladed knife. It costs about £18 today. It does everything that I want it to do outdoors.

I couldn’t cut a decent try stick to save my life. I don’t cut fuzz sticks, I cut little slivers and pile then on.

Using my adequate kit and adequate skills I do make a very swift and perfectly adequate can of coffee. I keep happily fed warm and sheltered when camped in winter and am thoroughly content out there.

If my kit were to be lost, destroyed or stolen it can easily be replaced. Few regrets. I shall regret the demise of my tipi. It was a present sixteen years ago and it’s been fun messing about and altering it but polycotton doesn’t last for ever.

This attitude extends into most areas of my life.

Is anything important to me (other than family)?
Yes indeed, very much so but it is all received, stored, processed and created in my head.

I still seem to have accumulated a lot of stuff. At my age you find yourself “inheriting” other people’s stuff as they drop off the twig. My hoard doesn’t come from a catalogue. I need to develop the skill of using a skip.
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My first thought about a thing is "How can I make it?" As a child I made some of my own toys and definitely all of my own weapons. I am the same now and practicality is always best. I had to laugh lately. I was using the paint scrapper as a fish slice I dont have one of each.. I try and be a minimalist and multi purpose things. I.ts a good way .I find. x
I used to be the one with tons of kit, mostly cheap or home made. Not one thing would do everything of what I wanted. In recent years I’ve found that it’s easier just to apply a little patience, and research equipment well before purchasing. That way I can probably spend a little bit more, and be happy that that piece of equipment will last a very long time.

Things that last a long time get used, and they get looked after. They create their own stories, and become all the more enjoyable to use. Much like working on that old mower. And not only that you end up with fewer things as you say cluttering up your house.

…Now I’m rambling.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.