Low sugar dessert recipes

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Which North American grape? One of the dozen or so European varieties grown on the West Coast? The native Musacadines, Scupernongs, or Bullaces grown throughout the South and Missouri Basin? Or the native Concord grapes grown in the Northeast? (these are the biggest source for kosher wine here) The Catawba grape? (also a native grape) Perhaps the Thompson Seedless (Sultana) grapes?


I have slso eaten a variey where the skin flakes of easily, exposing the inside in one piece.
I like this as a desert;

Mix one of those sugar free jelly powder packets with a normal tub of cottage cheese. Put it in the blender for a bit to make sure its well mixed with no lumps. Pour it into a bowl and put it in the fridge to let it set. Once its set it'll be a kind of fruity mouse. Tasty, no sugar and high in protein so very good for you.


But are those not full of artificial flavourings and other chemicals?
Product legal name. Strawberry Flavour Jelly Crystals. Brand ????
Ingredients. Dextrose, Sugar, Bovine Gelatine, Preservatives (Citric Acid, Trisodium Citrate), Colours (Beetroot Red, Annatto), Flavouring.

Flavouring apart there's nothing off in that lot. No idea what the flavinoids are though.
Flavinoids (flavenoid in a biochem text book) are a class of biomolecules which give different tastes to different things we concoct as "food."
Green pea taste. Watermelon taste. beetroot taste, maize taste. . ..and so on.
Lots of applied organic chemistry research to find the characteristic flavenoids.

I have slso eaten a variey where the skin flakes of easily, exposing the inside in one piece.

The Concord is a variety where the skin flakes off easily. Unfortunately it also has a comparatively huge seed so they're rarely eaten as table grapes.
I like this as a desert;

Mix one of those sugar free jelly powder packets with a normal tub of cottage cheese. Put it in the blender for a bit to make sure its well mixed with no lumps. Pour it into a bowl and put it in the fridge to let it set. Once its set it'll be a kind of fruity mouse. Tasty, no sugar and high in protein so very good for you.


That does indeed sound good!
I lean towards fine dice chives in my cottage cheese.

Don't forget that the cottage cheese, both the curds and the whey, contain substantial amounts of lactose (milk sugar.)
Here's the nutritional info for generic cottage cheese:

Cottage Cheese, Lowfat, 1% Milkfat[/h] cottage cheese, dairy, cheese, snack, lunch

B Grade
81 Calories

[h=5]Nutrition Facts[/h] Serving Size 4 oz (113 g)

Per Serving % Daily Value*

Calories 81

Calories from Fat 10

Total Fat 1.2g 2%

Saturated Fat 0.7g 4%

Polyunsaturated Fat 0g

Monounsaturated Fat 0.3g

Cholesterol 5mg 2%

Sodium 459mg 19%

Potassium 97.18mg 3%

Carbohydrates 3.1g 1%

Dietary Fiber 0g 0%

Sugars 3.1g

Protein 14g

Vitamin A 1% · Vitamin C 0%

Calcium 7% · Iron 1%

Cottage Cheese, Lowfat, 2% Milkfat[/h] cottage cheese, dairy, cheese, snack, breakfast

C+ Grade
102 Calories

[h=5]Nutrition Facts[/h] Serving Size 4 oz (113 g)

Per Serving % Daily Value*

Calories 102

Calories from Fat 20

Total Fat 2.2g 3%

Saturated Fat 1.4g 7%

Polyunsaturated Fat 0.1g

Monounsaturated Fat 0.6g

Cholesterol 9mg 3%

Sodium 459mg 19%

Potassium 108.48mg 3%

Carbohydrates 4.1g 1%

Dietary Fiber 0g 0%

Sugars 0.4g

Protein 15.5g

Vitamin A 2% · Vitamin C 0%

Calcium 8% · Iron 1%

[h=5]Nutrition Facts[/h] Serving Size 4 oz (113 g)
Per Serving % Daily Value*
Calories 116
Calories from Fat 46
Total Fat 5.1g 8%
Saturated Fat 3.2g 16%
Polyunsaturated Fat 0.2g
Monounsaturated Fat 1.5g
Cholesterol 17mg 6%
Sodium 458mg 19%
Potassium 94.92mg 3%
Carbohydrates 3g 1%
Dietary Fiber 0g 0%
Sugars 0.3g
Protein 14.1g
Vitamin A 4% · Vitamin C 0%
Calcium 7% · Iron 1%
No, I was not out for my Colonoscopy, hence I enjoyed the show, (Very pink and slimy.) I had painkillers though.

(And it dont half feel funny.)

But I would be out if I ever had to have an Endoscopy, -Dad has them a lot. He says if the doctors dont offer a general anasthetic, demand it.

I have no blender so that recipes not going to be easy for me.

Where was that biscuit recipe, Toddy?
Can I recommend an old Jewish receipe for a sandwich spread? ? Called Rozhuda in the Czech Rep. VERY low in sugar!!

Cottage cheese, finely chopped onions, chives, (one or maybe two crushed Garlic segments), butter, plenty of sweet Hungarian Paprika powder, I sprinkling of Cayenne or Hot Paprika.
Mix, let stand for a few hours or overnight in the fridge.
Heavenly on bread, toast, Swedish crackerbread...

I lean towards fine dice chives in my cottage cheese.

Don't forget that the cottage cheese, both the curds and the whey, contain substantial amounts of lactose (milk sugar.)
I am no diabetic, but surely fruit and/or cheese would be a good finish to a meal?

My mom used to do a wonderful Apfel strudel. Very little sugar added, the sweetness came from the apples. No marzipan either.
Well the fruit contains a mix of sugars such as glucose, fructose and sucrose (dimer of the first two) and there's some lactose in the cheese.
Do you mind? I grow grapes and sort of sick of them over the years. Gimme a handful of BC Okanagan cherries, instead.
But, I see your point very clearly in that you get to limit sugar intake without sugars being hidden in damn near every convenience product you can buy.

Lawry's Seasoned Salt is laced with chili peppers = I like that. Then I found out that it's also loaded with sugar. Huh? Why?
That S.O.B. company refuses to say why. HEY! LAWRY's! You reading this? Bottom feeders, say I.

I'm old & a Type II diabetic. Don't care who knows. Has been very nicely under control for some years now. In fact, meds cut 50% work the same!
While I've never had much of a sweet tooth, desserts never became a habit.

When the craving for sweets hits me, I haul a low sugar fruit pie out of the freezer.
That slows me down by 24 hrs as the dang thing is frozen!
My German terra cotta pie plates are 2/3 the volume of a 9" Pyrex.
Still, that's 8 very convenient slices of top quality dessert.
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Aaahhhh, Cherry Pie. Lovely!

Most of those spice mixes contain sugar. Taste booster. Plus bulks up the product.

Something I would like to see is that the soda companies LOWER the sugar content. Today it is what, 1o cubes per can?? They could easily lower it to 5, easily. I dilute my Pepsi with 50% ice cold water, and it is still sweet enough.
I love Pepsi. I know, I know.....

I press and preserve some of my grape crop as juice for myself. No added sugar.
Turned out a few years back that I met a local guy with some sort of digestive upset.
He tolerates my grape juice very well so I do maybe 20 liters extra to sell to him.
Reminds me = I need to phone him.

"Sour" cherries, aka pie cherries, are not table cherries at all. I have some "Scarlet Jewel" ripening in my back yard right now.
I pit them, stew them up and add a little sugar at a time just to take the sting out of the sour note. Preserves of the gods, I tell you!
Yes most fruits contain high sugar naturally; that's why diabetics are told to eat fruit (or better yet, drink fruit juice) in the event of a low glycemic reaction. Yes, candy will also work, as will sweet foods or honey or the umbiquitous glycemic tablets.
"Sour" cherries, aka pie cherries, are not table cherries at all. I have some "Scarlet Jewel" ripening in my back yard right now.
I pit them, stew them up and add a little sugar at a time just to take the sting out of the sour note. Preserves of the gods, I tell you!

In Europe we have different sorts from you across the Atlantic. Some eating cherries are versatile, can be cooked with too. Those are the more oldfashioned varieties.

I had one very old cherry tree beside the house I used to own in Czech Rep. The neighbour tought me to pick it semi ripe fir pies and preserves, ir wait untill fully ripe for eating.

Cherries for me are very exotic fruit, as they do not grow in the part of Sweden where I grew up.


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