I mean this stuff
Every kid in the land had jelly, trifle, and evap milk mousse as puddings when we were little

Pretty standard fare when your Mum hadn't baked something for pudding.
The pack comes with twelve cubes of chewy goodness (if you're not veggie). Plop one into a bowl of hot custard and it melts into a sooky chewy fruity niceness
..direct quote there from my very small brother many years ago.
The stuff lasts (undisolved I mean) for years!
Rather surprised that more folks don't pack it camping, tbh.
The Sunwheel spread I wrote about earlier is just reduced fruit juice Janne. Very tasty, and can be done at home. I boil up the skins and peelings from apples and pears that go into the dehydrator, strain the juice and use that to make mine.
The grape juice I buy comes from Lidl's, the German supermarket chain. Grapes don't really thrive here. It's the fourth of July and I haven't seen the Sun all day. It has rained pretty much non stop since just before lunchtime. I've put the lights on in the house just to see. Grey and overcast is the world this week