Look out! (Pic heavy)


Jun 26, 2008
I'm a bit like a dog with two d***s at the moment because I've finally got a new phone/camera thingy and have the means to take some decent pictures.
I couldn't wait to get out round the back of my place to try it out, so here's some signs that I found.

Deer (I think) looks like some gnawing marks on there too.

Roe Deer

Something having a munch. Base of the feathers looks like a mammal did it.

Tree Rat had a munch on a fir cone.

Badger Latrine. Plenty about but this was the least runny one.

Heron tracks. This was on open land, not in the woods.

Scenic pic further up into the woods. There's Kingfishers about but I didn't see any this time.

Some cunningly disguised Fox poo. Not sure here but on the left looks like a small carnivores jaw, perhaps someone can enlighten. I didn't notice it at the time because I was more interested in something else that was in there (next pic).

Isolated from the Fox poop. I want to say it's part of a skull because of the form, but the colour is weird. Any suggestions?

I've got the taste for this photoing malarkey now, so unless someone tells me to stop this might be a regular occurance. :)
Feb 15, 2011
I'm a bit like a dog with two d***s at the moment because I've finally got a new phone/camera thingy and have the means to take some decent pictures.
I couldn't wait to get out round the back of my place to try it out, so here's some signs that I found.

Deer (I think) looks like some gnawing marks on there too.

Roe Deer

Something having a munch. Base of the feathers looks like a mammal did it.

Tree Rat had a munch on a fir cone.

Badger Latrine. Plenty about but this was the least runny one.

Heron tracks. This was on open land, not in the woods.

Scenic pic further up into the woods. There's Kingfishers about but I didn't see any this time.

Some cunningly disguised Fox poo. Not sure here but on the left looks like a small carnivores jaw, perhaps someone can enlighten. I didn't notice it at the time because I was more interested in something else that was in there (next pic).

Isolated from the Fox poop. I want to say it's part of a skull because of the form, but the colour is weird. Any suggestions?

I've got the taste for this photoing malarkey now, so unless someone tells me to stop this might be a regular occurance. :)

Great pics , keep em' comming...small rodents will scrape bone, probably for the minerals.& that deer poo looks good enough to eat.......the surgically sliced feathers does suggest to me more a bird of prey, sparrowhawk maybe.....mammals tend to pull & pluck.....but I'm always willing to be prouven wrong...the mystery skull,..... need to know the size & look at the dentition before giving a clear answer.........but I'll suggest a shrew, judging by it's tinyness in comparison to the surrounding jungle..........................


Jun 26, 2008
the surgically sliced feathers does suggest to me more a bird of prey, sparrowhawk maybe.....mammals tend to pull & pluck.......
I don't think the pic shows enough of what I interpreted in my mind.
There were plenty of feathers about and on most of them the ends were crushed and ragged, the whole area reeked of fox too and lately I've had to endure their mating sounds right outside my cabin door.
Feb 15, 2011
I don't think the pic shows enough of what I interpreted in my mind.
There were plenty of feathers about and on most of them the ends were crushed and ragged, the whole area reeked of fox too and lately I've had to endure their mating sounds right outside my cabin door.

Screaming vixens can be unnerving.........................the breeding period does'nt last long, lovesick cats can be worse. how about some pics of your randy marauders........
Feb 15, 2011
I don't think the pic shows enough of what I interpreted in my mind.
There were plenty of feathers about and on most of them the ends were crushed and ragged, the whole area reeked of fox too and lately I've had to endure their mating sounds right outside my cabin door.

Sorry to go on about the feathers, but do you think it's possible that the bird (crow/magpie ?) was killed by a raptor which had finished eating & left it, which the fox then happened to come across & scoffed the rest ( or the fox scared it off).....I have a problem with those sliced feather quills, as you pointed out most of the feathers are mangled,( the fox) but those in the photo, look as if they have been cut with a pair of scissors,( bird of preys beak)with no sign of any damage further up the quills & the feathers themselves are unraffled, either the fox was a graduated surgeon or we are talking one seriously equiped bushcrafting redd.


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