Loch Lomond, middle / top for a change

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Making memories since '67
I have been struggling to get any canoe time lately but I had arranged for Warthog1981 to come over and for us to go for a paddle on the Monday of the September weekend. As is usual with our trips we go come hell or high water. Luckily it was only rain we had to deal with :rolleyes:

For a change we decided to check out further up Loch Lomond than our usual haunts. We parked just across from Tarbet Isle which is just north of Tarbet.

Of course we headed to the island first. At this point the weather was perfect. Overcast but no wind. We "parked" in small bay on the island. As usual we had packed light SMwhistle


You can tell the island has no squirrels as the oak trees were heavy with acorns. We picked a few as Russell has plans to try acorn coffee.

On leaving the island we paddled across to the east shore. There was some light rain as we paddled across and we used my new binoculars to scan the shore for a place to land, or at least that was my excuse :)

The shore on this side is obviously not as busy as the southern shores and benefits from not having a road at this point. We also landed at the place were the West Highland Way is away from the shore so that reduces traffic as well. As a result there was very little litter.

We paddled along the shore looking for points of interest.

We found a long abandoned camp with a stash in the woods that was long ago raided. There was also a rope swing but we are too mature for such things.

Well maybe not that mature SMwhistle

The weather was still behaving with the occasional light shower and gust of wind but nothing to be concerned about on either front.

Further along the coast and heading south I spotted a path leading into the woods and suspected this may lead to the bothy I knew of in this area. Sure enough climbing through the woods we soon spotted it.

It was okay inside but I suspect I would still find my hammock and tarp to be more comfortable for a night out.

There was also a fixer-upper next door.

The fixer-upper even had a resident

Back on the water the sky was getting very dark and it was time to start looking for a lunch spot.

We found a spot near a secret harbour (a great spot for a geocache as well) and set the tarp up in case it rained. And rain it did.

The tarp really does make a huge difference. It would have been a miserable stop without it but with the shelter of a rock and the tarp keeping us dry we could have stayed all day.

Lunch was a pizza baked in the Outback Oven (onion and pepperoni) followed by a basic cake with chocolate M&Ms for a bit of interest :) There was peanut M&Ms about earlier but they seemed to be missing now SMwhistle

The M&Ms do add a bit of colour too.

Much as we had a long and enjoyable lunch the rain kept coming. eventually we had to pack everything away and set off again. this time in the rain.

It was also a lot more windy when we came away from the shore but to be hones nothing like as bad as some of the conditions we have found at the Loch.

We paddled back to Tarbet Isle and had another look around before heading back to the car. Just as we got back the sun was showing through a little and we were treated to a rainbow

Despite the weather we had a great day out. Next trip planned is to show Russell Loch Ard but as always it we will not let the weather spoil our fun.

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005

Looks grand

really must have a go in a canoe one day

Stir crazy down here.....back to work now :(


British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
One day John.....I hope....we are just too far apart geogrpahically speaking.

I always have a little green eyed twinge when I see you & Russ having an adventure I confess - it looks very peaceful and relaxing. Always nice to see people out and doing but when I'm up to my ears in overtime a whiff of woodsmoke would help.........

Now how do you deliver more work than there is budget???


Have fun - I'll enjoy by proxy :(


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
I was told the swing shot was a goodie :D

Everytime I see the photos of one of your jaunts I get the wanderlust again :eek:

Beautiful, John. Cheers for sharing :D


korvin karbon

Jul 12, 2008
Now how do you deliver more work than there is budget???
Have fun - I'll enjoy by proxy :(

Had the same problem, solution was to sleep in the van and lay off several workers and get freelancers, damn stupid idea but orders came from those who know better (and never done the job before)


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
I have indeed :D and they are beautiful.
They're creamy ones so I've been munching some of them raw. I've gotten some roasted already, and they make a very smooth, mellow coffee :approve: I'm going to dry some and grind them into flour and try a bannock with them as well. I'll give a jar of the roast to Russ for your next jaunt, see what you think.



Jun 3, 2004
Its always fun to get out on the water :D
Funny we've never came across Hell on the water but plenty of high water :rolleyes:
It just makes for interesting times :rolleyes:
Excellent fun as always :D

Cold Wet and Hungry :(

We dont do it :D

always warm well wrapped up and very well fed ;)


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