Liquid fuel stoves? Diesel, Kerosene, car gas?

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If you like cremated porridge get the xgk shaker. Mines the old one with the stiff fuel line. I've not used it in years but I don't remember it being good at simmering! I have fond memories of great sheets of flame leaping skyward when plriming it with petrol. I'm tempted to dust it down and fire it back up.
For us, the big issue is the repeated number of total power failures. Man! but is it DARK! The computer gives me enough light to pull out my "kit" and fire up a couple of kero lanterns.
That warm yellow light reminds me of summers without power at the lake.
I have several 1 and 2 burner bottle stoves to put on top of my electric stove.
Indoors, all year, I can't complain. BUT, out doors, +15C or less, those stoves don't run hot enough for boiling water.
Major disappointments.

From experience of 4 months daily, I know that a Coleman green box (441?), burning straight run petrol, will light and run hot at just about any temperature. It's a big rig for just me or maybe 2 of us for a stop and a hot drink.

So I bought a 533. The design really appealed to my logic = the tank from a mantle lantern with a 411 burner on top.
Not at all cheap but the cold weather reliability that I had hoped for. Little baby volcano that can be turned down to a simmer.
After 6-12 months, I dump all leftover fuel into my GMC Suburban 200 liter tank, it's very well diluted and I'll wait for the next trip to buy fresh for the stove.


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