If you want my advice, for God's sake, please do not attempt to spend the winter in Sweden in a tent. You will probably die, unless there is a warm house nearby that you can flee to in an emergency. An insulated bottomed hammock is going to be suspended with frigid air circulating all around it. A tent with a fire built outside is essentially a tent with no fire. The only tent I can imagine that would possibly work would be an Indian teepee. (I suppose, but do not know, that the Laplander teepee is made very similarly. The Indian teepee is quite large, double walled up about 4 feet. and you build the fire INSIDE. The Indians used several buffalo robes to lay on and to cover up with. Drawback: Expensive, and takes several people to erect. Difficult to move. Go in the spring, or the summer or the fall, but forget the winter until you have the equipment and the knowledge base to pull this off. You need a lot of food to get the calories to maintain your body temperature in subartic conditions, yet you imply that your budget is somewhat limited. If you calculate the food needed to spend a year in the woods you are going to be shocked. Don't think that you can live off "the fat of the land." Experienced hunters oftentimes have no luck finding game. Even if you could, you can't just eat meat. You need vegetables. Think about this very carefully: What are my skills? what are my resources? what is my knowledge level regarding surviving alone in the subartic woods?