Leather dye colour help


May 12, 2004
hi I have a question for the leather workers :) ,I am thinking of having a go at doing some leather work and I was wondering what are the main colour leather dyes people use I am thinking woodlore sheath colour. I look foward to any advise you could give me and thank you for your help in advance.
I've only made a few sheaths but "dark Brown" available from le provo gets a colour pretty close to the one your after, but you might need a couple of coats. However I go over with the dye twice then give the sheath a good rubbing with neatsfoot oil and this really darkens it down to a deep chocolate colour ,but that might be too dark for you.

rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
thank you Barn Owl and Redneck for your replies

Hello there Nodd,
I dabble a bit with leatherwork and my advice would be to start with a medium brown and just add coats till you get to where you want to be.
If you start with dark brown or choclolate, you don't really have any where to go, you can always add a bit more but you cant take any off!

good luck anyway;)


Full Member
I use Saddle Tan, Dark Brown, British Tan and black. Most of them are oil dyes. If you soak leather (leave it in a bucket for half an hour or so) rather than just dampening it and then apply Dark Brown you will get a brown which is closer to that of a woodlore sheath.


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