Leather and tools advice please ?



Evening all,

I'm new to this whole game and having just made my first knife from a kit I am hooked , but I need some advice please I've just been on Tandy's website, with a view to buying some leather for the next 2 knives, but having read there Q&A page and searching here I'm still none the wiser about how thick I need sheath leather to be or how to buy it, I think I need full grain leather but what weight if that's the right term and from which part of the animal.

I also need a stitch wheel, 5 6 or 7 per inch ?

Needles and thread to stitch it with, natural fiber or synthetic, what size needles ?

Is there anything I've missed essentials wise ? I have a sharp awl, drills a hole punch set (wheel type) and an eyelet plier set (good old ebay!)

Sorry for all the questions.

Thanks in advance for any replies


(same post is on British Blades too, just to save any duplications)


Need to contact Admin...
Aug 16, 2006
England's most easterly point
For making knife sheaths, I use shoulder veg tan leather from Leprevo, 2.5mm to 3.5mm thick. I use a 5 per inch wheel, although I have been known to use a ordinary fork for spacing the stitching too!

I use the rounded saddler's needles, not sure the sizes though... I am at work, so can't check at the moment. They are quite cheap though so you can try a selection of sizes and can then decide on what suits you best.

For thread, I use either linen, polyester or artificial sinew ( I am not so keen on that for sheath work) I prefer the polyester thread, the stuff sold for the "speedy stitcher".

You also would need a small block of beeswax to wax the threads, particularly linen.

A stitch groover is also useful, to keep your sewing an even distance from the edge and also to create a groove that helps protect the thread.

Better go back to work now!!
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Full Member
What thickness leather you need is dependent on the knife that you wish to place in the sheath, larger heavier knife use larger heavier leathers. Veg tanned will be the type of leather you need.

For a F1 sized knife or Woodlore clone then yes go for 3.5mm or there abouts, if they are selling by weight rather than thickness look at 8 or 9 ounce leather.

If it's for a frosts mora traditional or a clipper then you can get away with 2.5mm or by weight that would be 6 ounce leather.

The lighter the leather the greater the amount of stitches required and the finer the thread used. As JoJo said 5 stitches per inch will be fine for these two leathers, but if you go any lighter start using more stitches per inch. The lightest thread you would want to be using linen wise will be 18/3 linen and you will probably require to wax it yourself, so you will need Beeswax. If I use synthetic thread for a sheath I use a 0.8mm polyester braid called "Tiger Thread", it's made by Ritza and it's pre-waxed. I also use synthetic sinew, but unless your making something for re-enactment I wouldn't worry about using it.

Saddlers harness needles size 1 will do the job more than fine.

Adjustable stitch groover is a good one, possibly an edge beveller (it just gives a nicer look to the finished item). You don't need to use an overstitch wheel if you don't want to, you can use a fork as a pricking iron if the tines are close enough together.

A good sharp knife (craft type) is an absolute must.

Glue, I use PVA, but a lot of people use contact adhesive.
If you have any spring loaded clamps, they'll come in handy to hold your leatherwork together whilst the glue sets.


Apr 14, 2010
Like the info on this thread. Is a very good subject as i have found little info on this subject for some reason.
also does anyone use press studs on knife sheaths?, if so what size can you recommend any for 2.5mm leather?



Full Member
Like the info on this thread. Is a very good subject as i have found little info on this subject for some reason.
also does anyone use press studs on knife sheaths?, if so what size can you recommend any for 2.5mm leather?


I take it the press stud is for a retaining strap.

I finished a sheath for Mick Penfold not that long ago, it was a large Bowie type blade and required a press stud type retaining strap. I used 2 press studs for security, both were 15mm ring cap. Smaller ring caps can have problems as the stems may not be long enough (you can get them with longer stems, but most of the ones I have come across have shorter stems).


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