Knoydart, solo.


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Nov 29, 2003
Knoydart is a peninsula on the west coast near the Isle of Skye. You can only get there by boat, or by a seven mile walk in along the sea loch of Loch Hourn.

So, after a long drive, including 22 miles of single track hairpin bends, I set off just before high tide on Loch Hourn, heading west.


The water was gin clear, and I made good time, hitting the narrows at high tide. You cannot paddle against the current here, so you have to time it right. A mile later I was beaching the canoe on Barisdale Bay.


I found a place to bivouac near the foreshore.


After sorting out camp, I did some fishing, had supper, and sat on the beach watching the sunset.


The next day I went hill walking.


Mobile phones don't work anywhere around here. Even at 900m above sea level, there was no signal. However, morse telegraphy woks just about everywhere, and after tuning around the 40m band, I contacted station ON5TO in Bruges, Belgium. Omer was very impressed I was using just 2 watts. I would have liked to ask him to phone my wife to tell her I was fine, but the rules don't allow 3rd party messages. One day I'll have to teach her morse.


Another sunset later, and I was heading east home.


But not before catching a bonny sea trout in Loch Hourn. The rod is from the local 'Poundshop' and cost, er, a pound. The silver toby is my favourite lure for subsistence fishing in Scotland.


A fine trip. One day I'll be back.

Outstanding and very adventurous Doc. You have really impressed me with your adventures and very quickly putting me to shame by reminding me I'm not getting out as much as I should!

I've not done Knoydart yet by canoe, I quite fancy the Morar-Tarbet-Loch Nevis route but the solo on Loch Nevis is putting me off! I'm up there next week and maybe will check it out!

Well done and thanks for posting such an inspirational post! Will you compile all these adventures and publish a table top book with photo's and sign it for me?



Nov 29, 2007
I'm vaguely thinking about a trip through a bit of knoydart in the summer, should be about 5 days of relaxed walking, climbing and fishing. Nice wee fish you've got, I don't use spinners much, prefering the multimono fly.

Could you buy/build a smaller morse code machine? I was thinking it might be useful to have as I might as well not bother taking my phone on trips.


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Nov 29, 2003
Thanks guys.

The weather was unusually good, so I cannot claim it was a particularly intrepid trip. However, the Barisdale bothy book records one canoeman who was stuck there for 4 days (in winter!) and eventually walked out, and recovered his canoe at a later date.

The wind was variable but was easterly going home:) . I was able to easily overtake the walkers using the lochside path. The path does go up and own a bit of course.

I prefer the fly for sport fishing, but for food the spinner gets my vote.

There are much smaller morse transceivers- I'm currently building an Elecraft KX1 which is capable of intercontinental communication and weighs 9 ounces:

You need to sit the exams to get the necessary licence and callsign, but the foundation licence is just a weekend's study. Proficiency at morse takes a bit longer but with modern computer morse trainers 12 hours work will get most people up and running.


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Nov 29, 2003
Sandbender, the trailhead is at Kinlochourn, for both paddlers and walkers. There is a 'long stay' car park for £2 per night. You pay at the farm, and he notes your registration and when you'll be back, just in case.

When I get time I'll put a thread on Song of the Paddle with a bit more info on the tides, but the standard plan of hitting the narrows at high tide is a good one.

Mungo, that sea trout is in my freezer awaiting the next barbecue (I caught it on the paddle home), but when wild camping I would cook the smaller ones in tinfoil over the embers, and ponasse the bigger ones. I'm interested in hot smoking them but haven't got round to it yet, and I'm not sure how feasible this is in back country.

Andy, get a canoe. You know you want to.:)


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Jul 20, 2007
UK / Qatar
right, now I'm jealous! :D Looks like a stunning trip what with the hillwalking, paddling and radio as well. Thanks for posting, and nice pics :You_Rock_


Need to contact Admin...
Nov 29, 2003
Very impressive Pete - not sure I'd want to take on Knoydart alone!

You'd probably be safer solo in Knoydart than tandem canoeing with me on the Tay.:)

Bod, I often sleep under the canoe with a tarp awning but this time used the one man tent. It was starting to get a bit midgey and the tent is pretty midge proof.

There are some trees in the area so hammocking would be possible but a bit restricting.


Aug 22, 2007
Sandbender, the trailhead is at Kinlochourn, for both paddlers and walkers. There is a 'long stay' car park for £2 per night. You pay at the farm, and he notes your registration and when you'll be back, just in case.

That is really good to know, thanks Doc.

I'm interested in hot smoking them but haven't got round to it yet, and I'm not sure how feasible this is in back country.

Depends what you can find or bring with you, you could easily use two large foil trays to make an improvised smoker box.

Andy, get a canoe. You know you want to.:)

Yup - currently waiting on the funds that I have ear-marked - either that or I'll annoy Mr Visa :D


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