knotweed recipies


White bear (Admin)
Apr 16, 2003
I know that we've had a fair bit of discussion on here about knotweed in the past but i thought it would be good to have a knotweed recipe thread, if you know a way of cooking it then get it in here. :240:
Aug 27, 2006
Although it's not a notifiable weed and I have eaten it in the past I now avoid it because of issues such as the responsible and safe disposal of waste plant matter. This isn't a criticism of the idea but it might be worth having a read through the environment agency documentation so that you're aware of all the issues/handling requirements before getting stuck in? Other than that, young shoots taste something like sour rhubarb so to get the best from it look to recipes which could utilise this.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
It is past it best now. Pay attention the what COTW has said. it regrows from the tiny roots that break off the stem, it can all so regrow from parts of the stem. I haven't eaten any this year as the council has sprayed most the local stuff with something that is strong enough to work.

I basically only take shoots shorter than my knee hight. Take a massive amount of care about not taking anything that isn't going to be cooked. I change my shoes before leaving the contaminated site. What I do take is well wrapped before leaving the site.

I have found out something really scarey about JKW and its legal control. I have a patch that is growing outside my house. i don't pick from it because car exhusts splatter it. The housing assiocation sent tweddledum and tweddledummer the maintance blokes around to deal with it. They shoveled it up with spades and dumped it on the road then put the weeds into black bin bags. The bags were then dragged down the road (one broke) and put them on to the back of a open trailer. I don't know what happened to it then. Bits of knotweed were left on the road including the root fragments for everyone to pickup in thier tyres and spread. I e-mailed the environmental enforcement team at the council, they said it is environment agency job. I contact the environmental agency they say it sounded like a criminal offence try the police wildlife officer. I go to police station and they say we don't have a wildlife officer in the locality, and it sounded like a job for the council enforcement team. IE Out of all these oragnisations that my taxes pay for I could find no-one that cared. :(

JKW cooks like rhubarb but with a little less sugar. I never ever cook it outside when camping the risk is too great. It no longer poses a risk when cooked.
I contact the environmental agency they say it sounded like a criminal offence try the police wildlife officer. I go to police station and they say we don't have a wildlife officer in the locality, and it sounded like a job for the council enforcement team. IE Out of all these oragnisations that my taxes pay for I could find no-one that cared. :(

It IS an offence. Don't be put off regarding the fact there isn't a Wildlife Crime Officer "in the locale" ANY Police Officer can investigate a Wildlife Crime. It's a CRIME, sadly putting Wildlife in front of it seems to somehow diminish its seriousness in the eyes of many!


May 26, 2008
Yip, it certainy has the potantial to be a crime, ie it 'is illegal to cause it to spread in the wild'. But was not nesesairily - not that im really interested in getting into that its definately Bad practive and well, just Bad !

However in another way its doubly naughty because to remove knotweed from a site you have a to be registered and certified! It is considered to be contaminated waste

If it were the council they should know that - its all there on the EA website in a nice easy to use very professional guadance brochures!

I wonder if putting a letter together and sending it to the police, environmental officer of the council and the EA. All should be emailable with it as a PDF - then you know it got there and it doesnt cost a bean!

I have a reall issue with the stuff, but partly that is the legislation... tum te tum...


Bushcrafter through and through
Aug 30, 2006
Nr Chester
It is past it best now. Pay attention the what COTW has said. it regrows from the tiny roots that break off the stem, it can all so regrow from parts of the stem. I haven't eaten any this year as the council has sprayed most the local stuff with something that is strong enough to work.

I basically only take shoots shorter than my knee hight. Take a massive amount of care about not taking anything that isn't going to be cooked. I change my shoes before leaving the contaminated site. What I do take is well wrapped before leaving the site.

I have found out something really scarey about JKW and its legal control. I have a patch that is growing outside my house. i don't pick from it because car exhusts splatter it. The housing assiocation sent tweddledum and tweddledummer the maintance blokes around to deal with it. They shoveled it up with spades and dumped it on the road then put the weeds into black bin bags. The bags were then dragged down the road (one broke) and put them on to the back of a open trailer. I don't know what happened to it then. Bits of knotweed were left on the road including the root fragments for everyone to pickup in thier tyres and spread. I e-mailed the environmental enforcement team at the council, they said it is environment agency job. I contact the environmental agency they say it sounded like a criminal offence try the police wildlife officer. I go to police station and they say we don't have a wildlife officer in the locality, and it sounded like a job for the council enforcement team. IE Out of all these oragnisations that my taxes pay for I could find no-one that cared. :(

JKW cooks like rhubarb but with a little less sugar. I never ever cook it outside when camping the risk is too great. It no longer poses a risk when cooked.

Probably taking the waste off to the local composting site :rolleyes: Ripped binbags on the back of an open trailor :( nature her self couldnt spread it better :neo2:
Yip, it certainy has the potantial to be a crime, ie it 'is illegal to cause it to spread in the wild'. But was not nesesairily - not that im really interested in getting into that its definately Bad practive and well, just Bad !

If it is moved without licence then it is a crime. If it is moved in the way described then it is a crime. No potential at all!

However in another way its doubly naughty because to remove knotweed from a site you have a to be registered and certified! It is considered to be contaminated waste

See above. It also has to be disposed of on a licensed site

If it were the council they should know that - its all there on the EA website in a nice easy to use very professional guadance brochures!

A Scottish council are currently facing prosecution on this very matter.

I wonder if putting a letter together and sending it to the police, environmental officer of the council and the EA. All should be emailable with it as a PDF - then you know it got there and it doesnt cost a bean!

Sounds like an idea.

I have a reall issue with the stuff, but partly that is the legislation... tum te tum...

Likewise. The biggest problem though is the rather "unscrupulous" builders who, instead of treating the problem on site, dump infected soil elsewhere.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
thanks for the recipes thus far :D

wiegh the chopped knotweed and then add the same weight in sugar and a bit of chopped ginger. Leave overnight. Add a finely chopped apple and boil up and simmer until setting point.

Stew chopped stems with one fourth their wieght in sugar. mean while fry half a pack of crushed degestive biscuits in some butter. Serve one top the other in the right order. You have yourself a quick crumble.

Using harvesting procautions cut a mature stem just below joint. Drink liquid inside stem. Disgard back into bush. Change shoes. Have row with someone official spreading knotweed. Get arrested by pso for criminal damage for cutting the knotweed. Realise the justice system is for the control of the minions not the lords, and the more voiceless the victim the less the state cares.

The green leaves can also be eaten as vegatable alledgedly, But i haven't found them paletable. The flowers aren't that bad and have promise as flour.


It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
Just something to note regarding JKW is its carcogenic properties.

Don't go eating too much of at any one time. Occasional consumption should be ok but I'd avoid regular meals.


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