Knife handle help, please.

Its my first post on this forum, and from what Ive read its a cracking source of knowledge, so I thought I would ask a question.

I have been given an old knife blade by a friend, who described it as a skinning or fillieting knife, and I need to put a new handle on it. The blocks of wood that Ive cut to the right size are rectanguler in shape and I was wondering how to shape them and then to secure the tang of the blade into the handle.

Any help is greatly apprecitated


Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 13, 2005
The banks of the Deveron.
Clamp one to the side of your blade - drill the holes through your blade for the bolts/bars.

Clamp it to the other scale and drill through again.

Polish the front edges and glue and bolts and clamp in place - then sand it when it's on the blade.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 18, 2009
Dark side of the Moon
if you have a tower drill clamp all the pieces together then drill your holes. you will get a better seal and the pins will line up better.

check your copper rods go in ok, they want to be snug but not tight.

wipe the handle down with lighter fluid and ensure the scales (blocks of wood) are dust free.
epoxy the whole lot together, clamp and leave to set adleast 24 hrs.

cut your remaning pins of.

start to work on the handle shape with a file (remember you can always take more of but not add it) change to sand paper and work down through the grits to your required hand texture.

brush of the dust and treat the handle with oil, boiled linseed is good or standard veg oil will do if its all you have. nails can be used for the pins if money is short too.

job done....

a very quick run through on re handleing a blade....

hope this helps..



May 26, 2008
You could use the search function - its a topic that has come up very often and there are some tutorials out there somewhere.
What type of tang is it - stick/full/part etc?

Since its not commented on above; if it is a stick tang then you dont clamp the blocks (scales) onto the outside you drill a hole in the center and glue it in place using 2 part epoxy resin.
then clamp the blade in a workmate or similar and use dreadnaught files, engineer/******* files to shape it, sand it and oil.


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