knife amnesty


Jul 9, 2006
Texas, USA
Ag no Toddy, do you honestly believe a gun is a necessity in the US? That people are just itching to blow someone else away for breaking into their homes? :(

And suppose that idiot breaking into your home wants to kill your family? That's the reality of life in SA today where, by the way, it's downright near impossible to own a gun today. Unless, of course, you are a criminal.

The point is that an armed population is a deterrent to a lot of things, not least of which the government getting stroppy against it's own people - again, SA makes for a fine example.

I'm really pleased to see a lot people in the UK standing up for themselves, their rights and their knives.

As for swords, if I want one for the wall of my home, or to display in the study, what business is it of anyone else than myself?

Frankly anyone wandering around here with a sword or a knife in an inappropriate setting might get asked a few pointed questions, but until that person proves to be a criminal, that's their business, too. And when that person does prove to be a criminal, nab them. Do not treat an entire population as criminals.

Freedom. Gotta love it. Never take it for granted.


Nov 22, 2005
Ah, But you CAN have a Sword, in fact you can have as many as you like, in your Home.

The only restrictions on ownership are for Bali's and Auto's (Prohibited Offensive Weapons).

You Can also take your Sword or Medieval Battle Axe out with you, Provided you have a "Reasonable Reason" and many Martial Artists and Re-Enactors do travel to and from Events, Quite Legally, with their Equipment.


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Rights come with responsibilities.
We live in a society that on the whole is law abiding..........S.A. type home invasions are so rare that they become a cause celebre, & Waco style armed camps were outlawed centuries ago when the Kingdoms finally settled down :rolleyes: ...........if the present hype makes folks actually *think* about whether carrying a knife is a good idea or not, then I don't think that's a bad thing.
I also think it's a very good thing that the police themselves are having to re-evaluate their reactions to a wide range of situations and circumstances.
Knee jerk responses don't help anyone :rolleyes: calm, measured replies and explanations seem to be the best way to go if one finds oneself being questioned.
The 'amnesty' is a PR exercise for mass consumption and tabloid headlines.


Mikey P

Full Member
Nov 22, 2003
Glasgow, Scotland
This is my last post on this topic. Ever.

As I said before, we do not live in a vacuum. If knife laws are different elsewhere, that's not our problem; we are talking about the UK.

I continually read in the posts above these arguments about the carrying of knives. I don't have any issue with someone practicing bushcraft on his own land or private land (with the owner's agreement), or even public land when well away from footpaths and popular areas. Again, there is no issue about what the law is - it's has been stated and discussed many time before on this forum. And I do not think I'm contributing to any 'hysteria'. Who's being hysterical?

There are few forum members who seem to understand what I am actually getting at here, Toddy being one of them. I don't want people to stop using their knoves for a legitimate interest - in fact, I encourage them all. But most of us don't live in Sweden, the US, Canada, Africa, Borneo, etc. Arguing about knife carrying in the UK is pointless. Accept that we are in a country where we are unlikely to have to live off the land at a moment's notice, we generally don't hunt and gather for a living, and we don't NEED to carry a knife on a daily basis.

Just remember that this is not just about you - it's about other members of the public and everyone who uses this forum. Please re-read all of the threads and forums and think about how you want bushcraft to be perceived by the public. That's all I ask.




Nov 22, 2005
Sorry, but I Disagree!

I use a knife EVERY day to open tins and bottles, cut up Baugettes and Cheese, Cut Rope and Cut up boxes for Recycling, etc, etc etc.

Not very "Bushcrafty" tasks admittedly, but nevertheless Essential Daily tasks and all impossible without a knife.

And it's Legal to carry the appropriate tool for doing the above, wheres the problem?


Apr 15, 2005
I must say, the public attitude is why I carry a Swiss Army Knife in my bag rather than a locking folder, or the Spyderco UK penknife. It achieves pretty much the same effect in daily life without any worry about people complaining to the Police if they see it being used.

Besides, you never know when you may need to remove a stone from a Boy Scouts hoof.


Full Member
Mar 31, 2004
Norfolk U.K.
Apart from the universal SAK,I carry what I need,when I need it.

I never give a thought as to whether I get stopped or not.I will never carry a knife to make a point,or because "I want to".

I do not anticipate any trouble from the laws of the land.If the law changes,my actions will change accordingly.


Mar 6, 2006
Kent UK
Kirruth said:
Besides, you never know when you may need to remove a stone from a Boy Scouts hoof.
Then you would be in the US. In the UK we havn't had "Boy Scouts" since 1967, we have "Scouts". :D and several hundred female members to prove it :)

Once more we have to show the colonials how to do equality and freedom properly :lmao:

Go on reply and you will have posted 100 messages :p


Apr 15, 2005
Zodiak said:
Then you would be in the US. In the UK we havn't had "Boy Scouts" since 1967, we have "Scouts". :D and several hundred female members to prove it :)
I'd expect the female scouts to be able to remove the stone from their own hooves :)


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.