AJB said:
When I was with the MoD, there was a rumour you could get the dye out of issue petrol by filtering it through a sliced white loaf in a stocking! But I never tried it (my stockings are too precious
PC2K said:
i heard a rumor that you can get rid of the additives by putting charcoal in to bottle with meth and shake it.... Sounds like it can actually work, but i never tryed it. Guess i'm leasy and burn the stuff right out of the bottle.
Neither methode will work guys.
With this method you only dye the slice of white loaf (which could be cool in it's own way
- compare it with a white carnation which you put with it's stem into a small bottle of (colored) ink), and make it highly flammable when you light it before the fuel evaporates - maybe a new sort of fast food
(I won't eat it though).
Sounds like it could work because when you've got the runs, the medication you'll use contains charcoal ... same thing when you feel sick and have to throw up.
The charcoal adsorps (or absorps - maybe one of the lab techie guys can tell the difference) the toxics which cause the illness.
When you add charcoal to your meths it will not remove the dye (or even the lethal additives) from it. That would be to easy!! 'Cause you'll than end up with allmost 100% alcohol ... for a relative low price.
If this method would work, the government would lose a major som of tax income which are on the normal alcoholic beverages (beer, wine, whiskey, etc.) - because everybody would drink the cheap stuff (in some sort of lower alcohol concentration - 100% alcohol would cause death IIRC).
The only way the get rid of the color (and thus less black soot on the pot, caused by the added dye - which seems an acceptable argument) is to use filtration paper (very fine grade).
NOTE: This method WILL NOT remove the lethal additives
To remove these you'll need an extended laboratorium ... and for that price you'd better buy a normal beer at Sainsbury's.
NO - I didn't experiment myself (come on, you guys should know me better by now
)!! This same question was raised during a chemic class at school, some 10 years ago. The teacher showed us how the dye was removed with several experiments.
Hope this helps!