As Santaman said. It's all very well in the U.S, but I think the UK is too small to support our society and wild animals of that calibre at the same time anymore. When I said there was no respect for the animals in our culture today, I meant that there will be young lads, thrillseekers, and quite possibly poachers who will seek them out, unaware of the damage they are doing. It only takes one idiot in this country to do something stupid, end up in trouble, and sue the authority for introducing them.
Kielder isn't that large in the great scheme of things, and is a Forestry Commission commercial Sitka Spruce plantation. That means a lot of harvesting machinery running through every several years for clearfelling, which may push them elsewhere. Even if the FC adapt their long term forest plans to CCF with thinning regimes, they will still have the harvesters, excavators, and timber wagons in there.
I would love to see Lynx thriving again in the UK, but I would also hate to see it done as a botched job, and for the lynx population to suffer in the end