Now I know that many are very fond of their kettles (and some I know are particularly fond of their Eagle kettles from Norway..).
And far be it for me to criticise anyone loving their shinies, or packing unnecessary stuff!
However, I do wonder why there is this love for kettles. It is a sole purpose piece of kit - ie boiling water. A pan with a lid is just as efficient, and has other uses besides. (a preliminary list would include bowl to eat out of, mixing bowl, cooking pot, using the lid as a cutting surface/plate, makeshift oven etc etc etc)
Can someone explain it to me?
And far be it for me to criticise anyone loving their shinies, or packing unnecessary stuff!
However, I do wonder why there is this love for kettles. It is a sole purpose piece of kit - ie boiling water. A pan with a lid is just as efficient, and has other uses besides. (a preliminary list would include bowl to eat out of, mixing bowl, cooking pot, using the lid as a cutting surface/plate, makeshift oven etc etc etc)
Can someone explain it to me?