Jimmy's Forest on More 4 (Channel 4) 6th August 2012


Full Member
Aug 4, 2008
South Yorkshire
Heads up. Looks like a good four parter (based on the seasons) starting on Channel 4's - 'More 4' on 6th August 2012.

First episode - Spring
"Country boy, farmer, insect lover and natural history enthusiast, Jimmy Doherty thinks Britain's woods, once covering great swathes of the land but now under threat, are fantastic places - if you know what you are really looking at...Filmed over the course of a year in a pristine Norfolk wood, Jimmy's Forest charts the seasonal transformation of the forest, while providing an eye-opening adventure exploring the challenges and pleasures the forest holds. Jimmy is in his element high up in a spectacular tree house, fully equipped with its own suspended walkways, zip wire and science lab.
In this first episode, Spring is in the air and Jimmy delights in exploring his wood and showing us how the forest is coming to life. He finds out how to get a drink straight from a tree, gets to grips with a woodpecker, squabbles with squirrels and makes himself road kill badger ham. He even creates his own 'hands on' experiments to help him reveal what blue tits and butter icing have in common…"



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 15, 2005
Heads up. Looks like a good four parter (based on the seasons) starting on Channel 4's - 'More 4' on 6th August 2012.

First episode - Spring
"Country boy, farmer, insect lover and natural history enthusiast, Jimmy Doherty thinks Britain's woods, once covering great swathes of the land but now under threat, are fantastic places - if you know what you are really looking at...Filmed over the course of a year in a pristine Norfolk wood, Jimmy's Forest charts the seasonal transformation of the forest, while providing an eye-opening adventure exploring the challenges and pleasures the forest holds. Jimmy is in his element high up in a spectacular tree house, fully equipped with its own suspended walkways, zip wire and science lab.
In this first episode, Spring is in the air and Jimmy delights in exploring his wood and showing us how the forest is coming to life. He finds out how to get a drink straight from a tree, gets to grips with a woodpecker, squabbles with squirrels and makes himself road kill badger ham. He even creates his own 'hands on' experiments to help him reveal what blue tits and butter icing have in common…"


Caught one of these on the TV last night, I really liked it.
Informative without the usual yoghurt weaving and hippy stuff.
I'm slightly surprised there's not much mention of it on here.
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