I was thinking about what/who started me down the outdoor/bushcraft road.
Well it was "Jack Hargreaves" I think I have seen everything he was in until he stopped in 1985. He had an interesting delivery. His WW2 experience was quite interesting too.
Next stepping stone is Les hiddins and bush tucker man.
Both men encouraged a boy from Luton to get outdoors and explore. Luckily I had an Uncle who was a farmer who we visited very regularly with loads of land to practice on.
They where/are my inspirations (before RM and others) who or what are yours?
Well it was "Jack Hargreaves" I think I have seen everything he was in until he stopped in 1985. He had an interesting delivery. His WW2 experience was quite interesting too.
Next stepping stone is Les hiddins and bush tucker man.
Both men encouraged a boy from Luton to get outdoors and explore. Luckily I had an Uncle who was a farmer who we visited very regularly with loads of land to practice on.
They where/are my inspirations (before RM and others) who or what are yours?