i little rant


On a new journey
Jan 30, 2010
hi all took my mate and our kids for a bbque up my local forrestry today they have a bbque area all stone built but here is the rant, i am fedup with cleaning up other peoples coke and fire mess before i can use it.especially when there are big green bins to put there rubbish in. great example to set the kids and my mate from london lazy expletives regards dave end of rant:nono::campfire::yikes:

Retired Member southey

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jun 4, 2006
your house!
OH YEAH! Im with you there we have a few really lovely FC sites near us around the Moray area and every time we go to or happen to walk through one of there car park\BBQ sites there trash all over the place, at least with the bbq stand located near the car park the rubbish is generally restricted to as far as the lazy chumps are willing to waddlle,


May 25, 2010
your lucky you only have fire mess to deal with , on loch lomond side we have to put up with ar@eholes leaving full
black bags of rubbish and even household waste a burnt out car was also found recently these people need a good
horse whipping to teach them some basic courtesy .


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 14, 2008
You're all lucky we have muppets colecting their dogs mess in a little black bag only to hang it at head height on branches in a narrow path between two walls or fences so you can't really miss them. I am not joking. We are talking Arnside area. If there are any dog walkers in that area shame on you if you do that. I've seen simillar levels of stupidity and inconsiderate behaviour. Can I just say that I was walking with a group and was in a good conversation when I just about saw that dog mess bag in time. I would probably have gone absolutely ballistic with anyone and everyone around me if I had hit it. I don't lose my temper much but dog **** in the face would definitely work on that front.

Can I just say that dog owners can be as inconsiderate as those tossers who leave picnic or BBQ or lochside spots in a mess. Then there are the nappy bags left at the carpark entrances in the Lakes. not in the nearby bin or the boot of their car but at the entrance to a carpark like they expect the bin men to be passing there sometime soon. Can I just say now, there are no refuse collections from a countryside carpark unless there are bins provided and if there are bins USE THEM!

Sorry if I have focussed my addition to your rant on new parents and dog owners as I know that most of those people are really repsonsible and considerate to others. It is only the minority that cause the problems.

BTW was up in Scotland recently. It is so cool how you can just park up and camp without hassle in the highlands and islands. I know I should disappear into the hills but we did only do it in the more remote and quieter parts of Scotland away from honeypot areas. We were responsible with no fires and took all evidence of our stay with us (or dug down deep enough and filled in and put the turf back for that which wasn't packed out. ;)


Feb 8, 2010
Ash Vale
You're all lucky we have muppets colecting their dogs mess in a little black bag only to hang it at head height on branches in a narrow path between two walls or fences so you can't really miss them. I am not joking. We are talking Arnside area.
Doesn't seem to be limited to Arnside. Doing my regular walk in West Sussex I often see bagged dog mess hanging from trees despite there being many bins provided along the route. The worst one was 2 weeks ago when a couple were out walking their dog, I observed the woman bag up the dog mess and simply throw it on the floor at the left hand side of the track. She was practically level with a dog bin on the right hand side! :censored:


Aug 29, 2004
county durham
I was in Cornwall 2 weeks ago. As I was foraging in a coastal creek I couldn't help but notice the disposable BBQ and carrier bag of waste sat on a rock I was climbing. No excuse for it, the idle cretins involved could have cooled it in the water and disposed of it correctly.


Full Member
Jun 4, 2009
Brighton UK
Worst incident I have see was in the Lake District. I had been wandering about on Great Gable for the afternoon and stopped at the top for some lunch. Well what did I see 6 EMPTY beer cans!

I mean ***! if you can carry a six pack UP the hill, the empties are, well EMPTY! so light as hell!

(Also end of rant)
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Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 14, 2008
Doesn't seem to be limited to Arnside. Doing my regular walk in West Sussex I often see bagged dog mess hanging from trees despite there being many bins provided along the route. The worst one was 2 weeks ago when a couple were out walking their dog, I observed the woman bag up the dog mess and simply throw it on the floor at the left hand side of the track. She was practically level with a dog bin on the right hand side! :censored:

I don't understand the logic (if there is any). I mean **** is biodegradable plastic bags are not. Surely its better to make the dog **** to one side of the path. I mean my grandparents used to make their dog **** down a grate at the side of a road.


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 14, 2008
Worst incident I have see was in the Lake District. I had been wandering about on Great Gable for the afternoon and stopped at the top for some lunch. Well what did I see 6 EMPTY beer cans!

I mean ***! if you can carry a pick pack UP the hill, the empties are, well EMPTY! so light as hell!

(Also end of rant)

And besides you could always make a meths stove out of them when you got home. :D
Oct 21, 2009
I can understand the frustration everyone is expressing. Here in Donegal (right up the top of Ireland), we have some superb countryside. Yet, you pull over to some of the nice little picnic areas the council provide and you find all the assorted crud of the day. How people can have a picnic, light a BBQ, drink a gallon of beer and then just walk away - leaving the entire thing on the table - is beyond me. Myself and herself had a beach picnic a couple of weekends ago. We packed up every thing - yet the couple next to us were quite happy to shove it all in a carrier bag and then just leave the bag sitting on the table.

But, what gets me more than anything is being out on the hills for a walk, coming to a nice flat rock and finding the remains of a fire that has obvioulsy burned long after the idiot who lit it in the first place has departed.



Full Member
Jul 16, 2009
West Sussex
Definitaly one of my pet hates as well although thankfully the tribes of 'dirties' dont walk farther than a 100 yards from their cars in most of te places I go. I can tell when I am getting near the car park when you start seeing garbage on the path.

As for dog s**t, that take sit to a whole new level. There is a wood near me that had such problems that the put a sign on the main way in that said either put it in a bag & take it with you OR just leave it to rot down like all the other animal scat in the woods but DONT put it in a sealed bag & leave it here. I can understand why there is a need for people to bag yp the stuff in city parks but do they really need to do it in the countryside. If ever there was a subject for a Government advert campaign there would be few better ones in my opinion than leaving litter (including dog byproducts) in the countryside. But. like flytipping, it's not very high on the cops priority list when they have so much other stuuf to deal with these days. You could impose fines but that needs someone to police it, which does not happen that much. Rant over...


Full Member
Jun 4, 2009
Brighton UK
I can understand the frustration everyone is expressing. Here in Donegal (right up the top of Ireland), we have some superb countryside. Yet, you pull over to some of the nice little picnic areas the council provide and you find all the assorted crud of the day. How people can have a picnic, light a BBQ, drink a gallon of beer and then just walk away - leaving the entire thing on the table - is beyond me. Myself and herself had a beach picnic a couple of weekends ago. We packed up every thing - yet the couple next to us were quite happy to shove it all in a carrier bag and then just leave the bag sitting on the table.

But, what gets me more than anything is being out on the hills for a walk, coming to a nice flat rock and finding the remains of a fire that has obvioulsy burned long after the idiot who lit it in the first place has departed.


In that situation, and I have done this more than once, I would quite pleasantly walk up to them and either ask them if they were going to take it with them, and if not would they mind if I disposed of it so not ruin the natural landscape with rubbish.

It surprising how many time they get embarassed and just say - "oh no dont worry, we'll do it" - especially if they have kids.


Jun 1, 2010
Chorley, Lancashire
your lucky you only have fire mess to deal with , on loch lomond side we have to put up with ar@eholes leaving full
black bags of rubbish and even household waste a burnt out car was also found recently these people need a good
horse whipping to teach them some basic courtesy .

I think we should be allowed to hunt them down, then empty these bags all over their house/garden. After all, I consider the outdoors to be an extension of my garden, so I look after it appropriately. In my eyes that's just restoring the balance.
Oct 21, 2009
In that situation, and I have done this more than once, I would quite pleasantly walk up to them and either ask them if they were going to take it with them, and if not would they mind if I disposed of it so not ruin the natural landscape with rubbish.

It surprising how many time they get embarassed and just say - "oh no dont worry, we'll do it" - especially if they have kids.

Oh, I wanted to, but since we had our 2 year old son with us my wife was not all that hot on me going over and talking to this couple since they were loud, idoitic and already getting pretty drunk (lets not even talk about the fact they were driving home after killing of a few beers.)


Mar 24, 2009
North East England
I can see no justification for littering anywhere, be it a remote beauty spot, a country car park or your own urban front door step. It is anti social, ignorant and possibly unhealthy and some times possitively dangerous.



Sep 5, 2005
I think we should be allowed to hunt them down, then empty these bags all over their house/garden. After all, I consider the outdoors to be an extension of my garden, so I look after it appropriately. In my eyes that's just restoring the balance.

yes sighn me up now thats a hobbie i would get into lol


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 14, 2008
Well the least we can do is look after our own mess. For example sort out the areas around our fires and remove evidence of our stay at any spot. Do not stay too long in one spot but move around. I mean there's nothing worse than a wild camping spot with yellowed grass where someone has pitched up for too long. Leave it as you found it or better, if there was litter there before you take it out if you can. I know a guy who, to the amusement of some, will pick up rubbish he sees along his way on a walk. We even drop our litter in front of him to poke fun at him because he will always pick it up without much complaint and carry it home for you. I must admit people like him are rare indeed and have my respect.

Another thing, wildcampers in winter in hillly areas who **** in the snow, what do you think will happen when the snow melts? Your frozen turd burried in the snow will de-frost as the snow melts to leave your turd on the hill right where you left it. This is a problem up in the Cairngorms where there are a few popular snow hole training spots used by many instructors and guides. The people on the courses are not considering their impact (partly a problem with the course providers too IMHO). Anyway a year or so ago the local park rangers trialled a waste box scheme where you could pick up a box for your wast. Then at whatever that Cairngorms place is callerd they had a special collector box where you then dropped of these plastic boxes of turds. Pack it in, pack it out approach.


Jul 17, 2009
Oh, I wanted to, but since we had our 2 year old son with us my wife was not all that hot on me going over and talking to this couple since they were loud, idoitic and already getting pretty drunk (lets not even talk about the fact they were driving home after killing of a few beers.)

Perhaps a quick call to plod was in order as they left the car park? I'd have done it in a heartbeat if it was me.


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