How would you use it...


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
rough up the edge of a credit card and you could easily skin a rabbit with it, or you could order a taxi to pick you up


Mar 16, 2008
We were trained in emergency first aid to use a credit card to seal the entrance hole in a sucking chest gunshot wound.Sticks right on and seals the wound through suction and allows the lungs to inflate.Dirty crisp packets out the gutter,going underneath a field dressing was always good to.You can always deal with infection later with anti biotics.

Use the credit card to relocate to a nicer area where you're less likely to be the victim of a sucking chest gunshot wound, which will need a credit card and a dirty crisp packet from the gutter to be used on you as emergency first aid!

Having relocated and avoided being shot, you'll have no interest in the empty cartridge case, the door key, well, you'll hand that in so its owner can be reunited with it!

Seems pretty straightforward! (o:


Full Member
Aug 8, 2008
south Wales
It did cook off the .22 round. A nice bang (although they did have to simulate a short in the electrics which was almost like wiring it up to a nuclear power plant!)


Sep 8, 2007
card- broken into shard to amke arrows???, Could also be used as a comb if you use the kets to saw teeth into it, also use it as a ruler as i always do a work lol

The .22 casing- well... not much a suppose maybe you could some how keep battering it to flatten and then make it into a spear or knife/???

and the keys, if you find some flint you can use it to make weak sparks, and stuff.....
i recon you could cut up the credit card and make it in to a pair of snow goggles (the ones with slits in) like these

the discoidal knife idea for the cartridge case above is a good one

the key i would keep for opening the door when i got home !!!!!!! or i might fashion it into a barbed spear point which ever came first

interesting thread!

but i guess unless you're a cyclops or a pirate creditcards for snowgoggles wo'nt work (at least mine seem to small for this)

the interceptor boy

Life Member
Mar 12, 2008
well credit card:: if let say plastic you could open front british/ USA home doors, scapper for snow, small paper knife, if platinum> then you can make an excellent knife, mirror, screw driver, small arrows, small cantilever, pry- bar, clone it to get money by evil means. the key, sharpen to a knife pont for stabbing, small allen key, sort of a nail thing. .22 case, small signal mirror maybe, button, i might be wrong> how big is .22, i do not have any clues about guns and ammo's. that all
the intercetor boy.


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