How to impress the ladies...

Dave Budd

Gold Trader
Staff member
Jan 8, 2006
Dartmoor (Devon)

What are you lot like ?? Swing the lantern a bit more lads :D

Someday we're going to have a Scars and their causes thread............and you can vote on the most impressive one :headbang:

Hope it heals well Spandit :)


A few weeks ago I slipped and fell onto the broken end of a strip light bulb and severed a nerve and an artery in my left index finger. While I was sitting (for nearly 4 flipping hours!) in A&E I started counting the scars on that hand. Including the new one I now have 13 on my left hand alone! All from separate exciting moments of my life. Goodness knows how many I have in total, but my largest is about 4" circle (was much bigger but has diminished over 9 years) on my leg curtesy of a skittish horse.

And when you say 'swing a lantern', is that code for something ;)


Full Member
Nov 28, 2011
Forest of Bowland
Come on chaps MAN UP!!

I've never come across any ladies that are impressed by scars!

My best war wound was taking 3 shotgun pellets in the face while flanking on a grouse moor.

The most painful was breaking a rib falling on a rock.


Mar 30, 2011
Athens, Greece
Meh they're not scars.

How about these for scars, both legs, left arm and collar






Hill Dweller
Sep 17, 2003
Meh they're not scars.

How about these for scars, both legs, left arm and collar

you win mate...;)

Looks like youve come a cropper off a CBR, at about a ton, and had rods placed in your legs and arms?
Last edited:


Mar 30, 2011
Athens, Greece
Yep it was indeed a motorbike crash.



The crash damaged my brachial plexus and ripped out one of the nerves from the spinal cord.
Oddly enough apart from the paralysed arm hanging limp, the only visual damage after the crash was some bruising around my shoulder, not a scratch or mark anywhere else, mainly because the impact speed wasn't that high (the throttle stuck on the bike after i departed, crabbed it's self into the opposite lane and hit a truck) plus i was wearing a decent helmet, jacket, gloves boots etc.


The scars are from the op i had a few months after.
They removed nerves from both my calf muscles to effectively jumper out the damage nerves.
As they didn't have enough from my legs they also took some from the paralysed forearm as well.

As part of the procedure they had to cut through my collar bone and then plate it, i still have he plate on my keyring :lmao:

Surgeon was absolutely knackered as it was a 14 hour op, but he still hung around to see me come round.

A few weeks after the op MotoGP was at Donington so obviously i had to go, the staples were still in but because it was bloody hot those days i wore shorts and took me tee-shirt off.
Walking around a little kid of around 4 looked at me, looked at my legs, looked at my arm, looked me in the eye and ran off screaming :lmao:

With regards to female attention, i'm very lucky to have a fantastic Mrs so not really interested, but from my experiences some women really really hate scars, others don't mind the at all and some of the gals at work kinda dig the scars.
It tends to be the ones with pink phones and too much makeup that don't like scars, not exactly my type of women anyway to be honest.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.