This is a question that has been growing in my mind over the years and this might be a bit of a ramble.
I have always believed in the mantra that we should "leave no trace" but inevitably we do leave an impact on any environment that we step into.
As "bushcrafters" most of us try to ensure that such impacts are at least sustainable and undamaging but just a simple act such as collecting firewood from an environment removes deadwood from an Eco system which is becoming more and more marginal day by day.
For example, I have for many years been an advocate of the hobo stove for cooking because of it's ability to cook with such a small amount of fuel, more recently I've moved over to wood gasifier stoves which are even more efficient.
Many advocates of the "leave no trace" ethic would argue that even those are an unacceptable drain on local resources and that gas, liquid or solid fuel stoves are the way to go. My own thoughts on that are that even they leave an impact somewhere, even if it is far beyond our horizons.
The line needs to be drawn somewhere, but where?
I might be playing Devil's Advocate a little here and I could well end up arguing on both sides to test our reasoning but I'm genuinely interested to know what you think.
How much impact is acceptable?
I have always believed in the mantra that we should "leave no trace" but inevitably we do leave an impact on any environment that we step into.
As "bushcrafters" most of us try to ensure that such impacts are at least sustainable and undamaging but just a simple act such as collecting firewood from an environment removes deadwood from an Eco system which is becoming more and more marginal day by day.
For example, I have for many years been an advocate of the hobo stove for cooking because of it's ability to cook with such a small amount of fuel, more recently I've moved over to wood gasifier stoves which are even more efficient.
Many advocates of the "leave no trace" ethic would argue that even those are an unacceptable drain on local resources and that gas, liquid or solid fuel stoves are the way to go. My own thoughts on that are that even they leave an impact somewhere, even if it is far beyond our horizons.
The line needs to be drawn somewhere, but where?
I might be playing Devil's Advocate a little here and I could well end up arguing on both sides to test our reasoning but I'm genuinely interested to know what you think.
How much impact is acceptable?
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