This is my daypack;
Most of the time when going out, i wear a 35 liter pack, a dutch army one or a snugpack patrolpack.
In the side pockets, water bottle,
metal cup. toiletpaper, first aid kit, spork, folding cup ,small bottle of iodine and some coffee filters, saw, notebook and pencil, some fire starters.
Top pocket; sunglasses, metal match, lighter,mini maglite, lightstick, small sharpening stone ,some rope, chapstick, headnet, map and compas
main pocket; spare clothing, towel, cooker, food, fleecejacket,workinggloves
On the back outside a bigger knife, army poncho, sitting mat, i carry at the front a pocket knife and small binoculairs in a seperate pouch.
Contence may differ between summer and winter , i carry no sleeping bag or sleeping mat, if i would have to stay overnight, i find me a good place to cuddle up, pull out my fleece,sit on my mat and get in my poncho fo the night, i find this the best way to get trough the night without bringing a lot of sleeping gear.
When camping i take a small tent, sleeping mat, sleeping sack and all the stuff to make a decent meal, and make myself comfortable as possible.