Oh, yes... I forgot to mention octopus. For me, it's a fairly ordinary food, I eat it so often. Either the small octopus in salad or sections of larger octopus tentacle either grilled (χταπόδι στη σχάρα
or stir fried (낙지볶음
And squid, either small bodies stuffed with tomato sausage meat, or bigger cut into rings and cooked in Paella or in seafood salad or grilled (Σουπιά σχάρας
), or cooked in its own ink and served with pasta.
I have realised that I have consumed the larval form of the moth
Hypopta agavis. I managed five before I unnaccountably fell off my chair!
I've not been to Mexico, but I've eaten the gusano from the bottom of the bottle of mezcal a few times...