It's an interesting question and one that can be applied to a number of woods. Whether it is or not I guarantee you won't feel well after eating it because of the psychological effect - i.e. you think it will harm you so your brain says it is. That's a very real phenomena that I have both experienced and witnessed. I would advice not eating it!
A real shame because that is one of the best fungal edibles IMO.
A lot of controversy about the Yew.
The flesh of the fruit is edible but under no circumstance must you eat the pips.
I’ve never tried it as I ain’t brave or stupid enough?
Yew is toxic, the fungus feeds off the tree, and will take up some of the toxin.
It’s fine. I’ve been eating it off Yew for years. Just make sure you don’t take any of the tree with it. I don’t cut it close to the trunk. If you do that you‘ll have no problems.