Hi - From Cathkin Braes, Glasgow/South Lanarkshire


Finding a bit more time for myself these days and gradually racking up some nice trips wild camping and researching for next years adventures. Hoping to educate myself a little in the ways of foraging, softly softly.

Heading down to the borders in a couple of weeks for a day out in the Galloway Forrest park for some foraging tips and a nice couple of nights camping on the coast.

Anyone in the south lanarkshire area who would be up for showing me some of the basics would be well rewarded with a good meal.

Anyway, all the best!


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Hello :) and welcome to the virtual campfire :D

There are a fair number of us around the area :cool:
I can't manage to get to the Moot this year, but I'm tempted to see if we could organise a day someplace locally, just to chill out, for others who would also be around. Someplace not hotching with midgies would be good :rolleyes:

Thanks everyone.

Toddy - In my snooping so far I had notice a few members with location as South Lanarkshire. I would be up for a meet up. As I say I am really just beginning, but more than willing to help out in anyway I can. Its a bit frustrating having the Braes on my doorstep and not knowing fully what to do with it. Enjoyable walking around with the hounds nonetheless.


Nov 20, 2011
Hi and welcome to the forum...I'm from the southside too although a bit further west of you.

We're certainly lucky to have loads of 'the green stuff' in this area too and try my best to spend as much time as I can out enjoying it...fortunately my wife and kids enjoy it too.

I'd certainly be game for a local moot at some point if there's enough interested parties.


Nov 20, 2011
I havent seen a city like Glasgow with so much on its doorstep. We are pretty lucky that way. Maybe not so lucky in other ways, like the plagues of neds you see every now and then :(

They do have their uses though...

You can't start a fire with a buckfast bottle because of the green colour, but they do hold a reasonable edge. A few buckie bottles tied to a tripwire will clink together enough to let you know when zombie neds have encroached on your camp.

Ned pelts (i.e. shellsuits) are useful...stitch a few together and you can make a reasonable lightweight hammock. If you're extra lucky you may encounter ones with north face jackets but even a few Supadry jackets can be put to good use.

In groups of 5 or more NEDS, there will always be at least one that's on crutches. Crutches are ideal as bivi poles for your tarp and the size is easily adjustable too.

With a simple split ring, swivel and hook their 'gangsta bling' rings and other jewelry can quickly be converted to extremely effective fishing lures.

There's probably more I'm sure...:)


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.