Hi all

Feb 8, 2015
Milton Keynes
Evening, as this is my first ever post on my first ever forum of this nature I wanted to say hi.

I'm looking at purchasing either the AA S510 or Ultimate Sporter as I've heard very good things about them both, seen various YouTube clips etc. I'm after some guidance on where to shoot and a good supplier in the Milton Keynes area.

Recommendations on scopes is also welcomed as this is going to be my first shopping list per se. I'm of the creed that says buy nice or buy twice type person.

I'm more into the target shooting rather than the hunting side and if I'm honest, I was also looking at the FTP-900... (Too much for just targetry?)

Finally, .22 or .177? I'm more of a love of the challenge of the shoot than easy, so the .22 seems to be of the consensus that it's more of a challenging pellet to shoot over longer ranges?

Anyway, thank you for reading and I hope to be more value to the forum than a newbie asking questions.



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