Evening me hearty's
Does anyone remember a thread on here a few weeks ago. It was by a chap that had just joined and was advertising a large selection of pukko's
Among other things
I'v tried the search bar and manually going through the intro and edged tools sections, but i'll be damned if I can find it
Even if you can just remember the thread title or the O.P's username I should be able to find it from there
thanks in advance......adam
Does anyone remember a thread on here a few weeks ago. It was by a chap that had just joined and was advertising a large selection of pukko's
Among other things
I'v tried the search bar and manually going through the intro and edged tools sections, but i'll be damned if I can find it
Even if you can just remember the thread title or the O.P's username I should be able to find it from there
thanks in advance......adam