Hello from woody warrington


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 8, 2009
Warrington, UK
Thought i've been on here like two weeks now and i haven't properly said hello!

so er, Hello!

i live in birchwood NE warrington, 10 mins walk from risley moss nature reserve (brilliant for bird watchers btw) and i've always been into running around in the woods, be it as a kid and just enjoying the scenery and exploring or now i'm grown up playing Airsoft which is a major hobby.

I'm just getting into bushcraft properly finally hearing the call of the woods and hills, my first wild camping trip is coming up soon and i'm seriously looking forward to it.
about the only experience i have of the woods is my explorations when i was younger, some scouts, cadets and mostly hiding in ambush and reading terrain for airsoft ;) it helps when your being taught by ex forces guys too.

other then that i'm a father of 2 working in IT, my eldest will be 6 in late feb so i'm looking to take him out and teach him which tree's are which and what is safe to eat and what isn't and how to burn things and how to eat wabbit. which all kids should know.


Jan 7, 2009
Warrington, UK
Coor, Petes started already has he? Might as well pitch in :)

I'm Colin, this numpty's best mate and also from Warrington - similar interests; dodging grenades, scaring ducks etc etc.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.