Hi Everyone, Siege Stoves here. I just came across this posting and wanted to make sure there are no concerns about the Siege Stove going away. We recently took down some of our pages, but the site has always been up. Definitely NOT going bust!
. We have been preparing to launch our new universal Cross-Members, Siege Stoves and accessories on Kickstarter soon.
Regarding the other concern raised, our patent was finally issued earlier this year, with a continuation also filed to further expand it. I am fortunate to have close relationships with many IP attorneys and law firms, because of my other work in helping them over many years, so I plan to take any knock-offs seriously! In addition, a lot of engineering has gone into this deceptively simple product, and there are a lot of nuances to how it works with the many different cans, so it would be difficult to copy it based on the information online. They are precision engineered, with a ton of testing to get the tight tolerances required for them to work properly. With the product designed to be tough and dependable, and with our strong emphasis on customer support, we have many loyal customers around the world and especially in the UK, and hope that bushcrafters will continue to value products made in the West.
As a UK citizen with British and Canadian roots, who grew up down under and is now based in the USA, I am especially grateful for the support I have received from our customers in the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Any help I can get in letting others know about our Kickstarter campaign will be much appreciated!
Unfortunately we don't have resources to maintain an active presence on forums, but if you have any further questions, you can reach us via the link on our web site.
Thank you!