I have now tried - and failed twice - to roast a chicken in a recently purchased Cobb Oven. On both occasions, the briquettes had lost sufficient heat after a couple of hours such that the chicken just wouldn't get finished off.
Unless I can up my skill level with this soon, I am not going to be popular with the immediate family.
So, any advice would be very welcome - particularly on any successful, simple, non-chicken recipes.
Advice on getting the bloody briquettes lit properly in the first place would also be helpful.
Everything I've read - and also Youtube videos watched - really look straightforward - and not just the semi-official marketing ones, but I need to prove that my purchase has been a sound one - soon!
Any help/advice/guidance will be much appreciated.
Best Wishes
Unless I can up my skill level with this soon, I am not going to be popular with the immediate family.
So, any advice would be very welcome - particularly on any successful, simple, non-chicken recipes.
Advice on getting the bloody briquettes lit properly in the first place would also be helpful.
Everything I've read - and also Youtube videos watched - really look straightforward - and not just the semi-official marketing ones, but I need to prove that my purchase has been a sound one - soon!
Any help/advice/guidance will be much appreciated.
Best Wishes