Had a break in please keep an eye out


Full Member
Jul 17, 2005
Thanks for the support peeps, all bushie gear accounted for, only the fishing gear that's gone, thankfully it's covered by the insurance, but not the point really, some of it has massive sentimental value, probably will never see it again, but fingers crossed.

Thanks for the offers of the gear as well, but not to sound unthankful or ungrateful, really not needed as the insurance will take care of it, but the offers are deeply appreciated.

I can only hope these scum bags felt some pain as they cut a 6000v electric fence to gain access to the property and that had to hurt.


Full Member
Feb 26, 2006
A friend of mine had a lot of fishing gear stolen he got most of it back through whispers on the bank said that it was still local they found it a scumbags lockup just down the road from where my friend was living. might be worth having a word with local fishing shops see if they have been offered anything or seen your gear come into the shop even sounds daft but scumbag took mates reels in to see if he could part ex them!?!

tree beard

Full Member
Feb 21, 2011
I hate thieves, lets hope they get caught or badly hurt or both. . . . . yeah both sounds good.
I'll keep my eye out on the fishing forums up here (but doubt your stuff will come this far up.)
I've had my fishing tackle stolen in the past (more than once) and if you have insurance, getting to spend a load of money on new tackle isn't too bad.
But it's the sentimental stuff, the stuff that cant be replaced, your handed down father's or grandfather's tackle that irreplaceable that hurts the most.
All the best mate.
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