Many fat people are apparently more and more too embarassed to bother their Doctor, because they're fat shamed by people posting like you have.
Thing is though, those people have often worked and paid their national insurance all their days.
What right has anyone else to say that they shouldn't access the NHS ?
Those who fat shame others are often those who strain and struggle so hard to remain slim themselves that they have neither empathy or courtesy, and honestly if they're making so much comment about someone else's weight I question just how much they're stressing themselves mentally.
Why do they seem to desperately need some kind of validation for being disciplined about their diet?
There's also the issue that a huge number of women my age are now realising that all those years of dieting have left them with real problems with osteoporosis. The estimate is that one in two women will have a fracture related to osteoporosis as they age past menopause.
I think fitness for the life you lead ought to have greater importance.
On that note though;
@John Fenna has immeasurably improved his quality of life by losing a substantial amount of weight.
Everything from easing the aches on his joints to stamina. He is fit and very active again.
Good on him

a power of determined effort that has such really good results