Group Scout Camp and THANKS Steve !


Aug 6, 2008
We had our Group camp over the weekend. On the Saturday we had over 170 kids from 6 to 18 y.o. on site. A wide range of activities were on offer over the day.

I'd been 'voluntered' to organise the "Scoutcraft/Survival Zone"

Over the day I was keeping track of all the kids who managed the various hands on activities we had on offer relevant to age groups
At the end we drew names out of a hat for prizes.

Some time ago I bought three steel strikers off "Silverhill Forge" , a member here. I've used them for various demo's and talks with schools and Scouts/Cubs. They are always popular, producing a nice shower of 'fire fairies' as one little girl called them:)

I mentioned to Steve I had this camp coming up and was interested in buying a striker as a special prize.

He contacted me a few weeks ago saying he'd made another batch and amongst them were two he would like to donate as prizes to the Group camp !:)
He'd even thought to scale them to a smaller hand !

I have a pic' of one of the winners, he speant best part of two hours rounding off flint till he caught a spark on charcloth ! a real "stealing fire from the gods" moment for him :red: !

It was a great day. Amongst the things on offer were bowdrill, two man bowdrill, pumpdrill, flint and steel, firesteel, hammocks, tarps, marshmallows, dough twists, volcano cookers to do noodles in, solar cooker, safe use of knives talk, fungus and plant talk, ...
.... on the Leaders fire we cooked and many tried rabbit cass', roast chicken, poussin, smoked trout, grilled trout, falafels, different bannock and breads...

Every kid who walked in could immediately have something to do, try, taste or be shown.

I had a tremendous amount of help on the day from other Leaders and people who are members here or on BCL. There was so much experience, skill, knowledge and enthusiasm available that no matter how busy the day got it always felt relaxed and at ease



just a few pics for now. Have more to sort through and some to come from others.

Once again , a big thanks to Steve/Silverhill Forge. The look on the young lads face when he came forward infront of all the Group and the D.C. to recieve his Striker, "specially forged for the Centenery Camp", was tremendous too.;)


Aug 6, 2008
After Steves generosity I wanted to get some pics of his strikers in action. 'Unfortunately' I was too hands on at the camp to take many and other peoples havn't got to me yet.

So I've just taken some of my son (one of the Scouts) using them in the garden. My camera / timing isn't up to catching the sparks, but there were plenty with a bit of practice.




Steve donated two strikers, one of which has already been awarded. On the day only one managed to catch a spark. As it's something a bit 'special', I didn't want to lower the mark for winning it.
At the moment some of the Scouts are doing the survival badge, ending with an 'only what you can carry' basics overnighter in woods on our farm.
We've agreed the second striker will be taken to that and any who manage will go in a hat to win it. If none do it will remain in the 'fire kit' as a 'rolling challenge' to aim for on future camps/activities.
Any who want to practice can request the loan of one of mine. I hope to twist someones arm into making a nice little pouch for it to go in aswell.



We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.