GPS Maps

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Full Member
May 27, 2008
Recently got myself a Garmin etrex 20x handheld gps, to help with bike rides and walks out and about in areas I'm not so familiar with.

The standard map it comes with is not too bad, but not a patch on OS 1:25000 for details, contours etc, or google earth for visuals.

Looks like I can pay and download some more detailed topo type maps, and satellite view maps from Garmin's site, but wondered what else there was available that others use ?

Cheers, Paul
OS maps can be downloaded to phones. We did a week in The Lakes using an iPad Mini for off road.

Chews the battery a bit, but a portable charger should help out.
try the viewranger gps, thats pretty good, free and very reliable ( doesnt crash), UNLIKE the OS maps app, it frustrates the hell out of me, the amount of times I have started tracking a good walk to have it crash on me and not record the route, for maps and details yes the OS maps is outstanding especially as you get the free code for the app when you buy the paper map, but for reliable tracking a walk it sucks
Thanks for the ideas guys, I'll check out the website links.

marra33, do you mean apps for phones or are they usable on a dedicated gps unit too ?

Cheers, Paul
I use these: TalkyToaster on my Gamin Etrex 20x. It's worth the extra £10 for the 'OS Look and feel' version in my opinion. Great maps and easy to install.
Works if you have coverage for the mobile and possibility to charge the battery.

But surely a map ( without a compass) is just as efficient? You only need a compass if you are in the bush/ forest.
Also, roads have road signs.
true enough, I always carry a map and compass anyways, it just saves the hasle of trying to find your position in the wind and rain, and you dont need the covergae, so long as you get GPS coverage on your phone, you are sorted, which you do pretty much all over the lakes, as for draining the battery, the viewfinder is actually pretty good, and you can pause it if you are camping overnight, so doesnt drain at all, PLUS, I carry one of those small powerpacks with me to charge the phone at night anyways, it is about the size of a small pocket torch, and I can get almost 2 full charges out of it, so all in all, I think the phone is a good compramise you use, you carry one anyways, so why not use it
I never carry a phone if I am in nature. But of course if you do, it is a superb way to help you.
You can also have the app that shows you the stars and constellations. Cool to see what is what on the night sky.
SkyViewFree is the name of it.
I have it on my Ipad.
I never carry a phone if I am in nature......

I never carry a phone in the wild either; if you can get cell coverage, you ain't in the wild. But a real GPS is an entirely different animal from those posers using a cell phone GPS.
skyviewfree, now that does sound like a very useful tool to have !!, I will be saving that one !!
thanks for the heads up

ahem, posers...ha ha ha ha, what the hell, I'll take that
I never carry a phone in the wild either; if you can get cell coverage, you ain't in the wild. But a real GPS is an entirely different animal from those posers using a cell phone GPS.
I always thought that cell phone GPS was used by the black dresses Nespresso Boutique crowd?

As GPS did not exist when I started it somehow is not in my mind and need.

The Frontier men ( worldwide) of the past would sneer at maps and compasses too, I am certain!
I always thought that cell phone GPS was used by the black dresses Nespresso Boutique crowd?

As GPS did not exist when I started it somehow is not in my mind and need.

The Frontier men ( worldwide) of the past would sneer at maps and compasses too, I am certain!

Mostly in agreement. I do wish I was better with GPS though. (info: When I started flying it wasn't available to private pilots either; but now it's all but mandatory)


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