Good sources of flint in the North?



I was wondering if anyone could suggest any good sources of flint in the North/ Northwest, or Wales, for knapping?

Been thinking about having a go for a long time, and I think I've put it off for long enough!

Any tips would be most welcome!



robin wood

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Oct 29, 2007
I am no expert on this but I thought flint always occurred in chalk or limestone which would make North Wales and the North West a bit of a poor area. Of course there will always be bits of broken flint moved around during glaciation everywhere but for knapping you want big clean nodules. I picked some up just before Christmas on holiday in Norfolk. So keep an eye out if you ever go on a trip somewhere chalky.


Aug 9, 2005
There's a good document about that area on the Liverpool museum website, came across it a while ago looking for info on Langdale.

There are open chert beds in North Yorkshire. Can't recall the name of the hill, it's a dyke on a hilltop maybe 10 miles south of Kirkby Stephens - off to the east of the wee road that runs towards Hawes. Never did make it up to it when I lived there but it sounded a fair size. It's an intrusion on the limestone strip that shows on the map.

Had a look at a map, reckon it's Mallerstang Edge, nowhere near ten miles, more like five.

Stonesdale caught my eye on the map, a bit of rummaging brought up mentions of Fremington Edge Chert Quarry but no real info as to whether it's on the surface or a mine. Location on page 2 of this.


Thanks for that guys, really great info!

Robin - I'm pretty sure North Wales is limestone, isn't it? I know there's an axe factory on Graig Lwyd, although I assumed that all the flint there was in seams, rather than nodules, which is what I'm looking for. I thought there might be some down in the SE - it's near Blackpatch, Cissbury etc, but it's a bit far, so will have to wait until we're down that way - sounds good though!

Grooveski - That article's amazing! Thanks! Yorkshire seems quite managable, so I think that'll be our next trip - unless the hubby decides to do away with me first with all the strange requests that is! lol

Thanks again!


Aug 9, 2005
If your closer to Penmaenmawr than Yorkshire the chert beds near Mold might be worth a wander, they cropped up not long ago on the forum:
On the same map you can see the dark red blotches of the Graig Lwyd, etc greenstone beds.

Hope you find something. I haven't had much luck with chert searches, find plenty but it weathers badly so most surface lumps have been riddled with cracks. As per what Robin said, I've collected the best material from the SE chalk/flint beds.
It's fun searching localy though, and the remote and exposed areas that you tend to end up in give a real hint of how important the quality tool stone was in it's day.
I was wondering if anyone could suggest any good sources of flint in the North/ Northwest, or Wales, for knapping?

Been thinking about having a go for a long time, and I think I've put it off for long enough!

Any tips would be most welcome!



Have a wander over to the horseshoe pass,just above Llangollen, although not a large amount,you can find enough for an afternoons arrowhead knapping in the disused quarry directly opposite the cafe, but be careful, its not a safe area for unwatched steps.


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