good schools, great instructors


May 5, 2005

Fundamental Bushcraft - Woodlore
Flint knapping - Will Lord and Natural Pathways
Bow Making - Bushbasics
Tracking and Stalking - Bushcraft expeditions
Foundation and Intermediate tracking - Shadowhawk
Advanced tracking Canada - Survival School (There's a theme developing here...)
Advanced temperate tracking - Shadowhawk
Advanced tracking India - Shadowhawk
Traps and trapping - "Can't remember"
Prehistoric cookery - "Can't remember"

I think i've forgotten some others here. Will add them if I remember.

Most influential Instructors

Juha Rankinen - My first bushcraft instructor and truly inspirational. His quiet humour and effortless teaching was easily on a par with Ray's but Juha never had any need to compete for the limelight. He really was a master of his subject, making everything seem well within your grasp.

Andy Wood and Stani Groeneweg - I only spent a day training with Andy Wood but he oozed professionalism. Stani was also excellent and was was already a highly effective instructor when I trained under him. His quiet professionalism meant you sometimes didn't realise how much he had helped you until he was gone. Also damn good at stalking for such a big guy!

Johnny Crockett - One of the most encouraging instructors I have ever met. A real motivator and skilled instructor. He kept an entire team together through some seriously harsh and difficult conditions and he never lost his smile even when surrounded by shotgun wielding maniacs.

Ian Maxwell "Max" - Without a doubt the most influential instructor for me. Max broke down the boundaries of what I thought was possible. Tracking is the aspect of wilderness living that most interests me and that journey would not have been possible without him. Sometimes you just can't believe that what he's teaching you is possible - and then suddenly you see or hear or feel it for yourself. A true master and a damned funny guy to boot.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.