Good quality gear take a peek!!

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Jun 13, 2010
west yorkshire
still got some of the gear left from this post
http 2
and still open to offers on it!!!???

But here is some more bartering gear.
I cant post photos as yet cos mi camera is still poorly:(
so al describe as best i can and then if you are interested just text me your mobile number and i will send you a piccy!!
so here goes
(1) oregon scientific action cam complete with helmet/ head band fixing and bike mount. it is totally waterproof and comes with instructions and sd memory card.

(2) silva type 4/54 NATO compass this is a type 4 compass but marked primarily in mils with degrees secondary inside the capsule. the real difference is that this compass has tritium illumination as well as the usual glow in the dark. so at night its simply superb.
this is actual nato issue with green lanyard and nato stock number.

(3) konus titanium waterproof fogproof hunting binoculars they are simply superb and almost new without a mark on them.
complete with case neck strap and finished in mossy oak camo!! the eye cups twist in and out and although these are 10x25 bak4 compacts they can even be tripod mounted with a bino adapter.

(4) ultima 65 spotting scope.
again waterproof fog proof etc, comes with its own stay on case and nikon camera adapter. giving any nikon slr/ dslr an incredible 65time zoom.
how many lenses are that powerful??? this item is green and black in colour and is pristine as new and I mean pristine!!!

(5) outwell tarp this is ahuge 3 metres by 2 and half green in colour it is supposed to be used high up as opposed to low like a basha the quality is superb and its better waterproof than both of my mod issue bashas it has 6 guy points and would siut a base camp enviroment the material is like a tent flysheet but makes the best of them look ill!!!

(6) bcb crusader mess kit

(7) blacks non stick mess kit this has lid ,internal tray/ plate and main mess tin.

(8) teflon coated mess tins with folding and locking handles.

some of the things I am interested in are included in the link above but here are a few more options

(2) nato
(5) leather possbles pouch must be as new!!
(6) one of those spoon knives!!
(7) gerber camp axe the one with the long handle.
(8) molle webbing pouches. dpm or desert??
also anything else you think may be of use to me...
the main interest of mine is compasses but the same rule applies as in all my swaps ie if you have something I list you may be able to put yourself a list of my gear and you will probably recieve what you want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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the bincos, reel and rod first dibs for me.

I have a frosts knife, but I think its a crook knife rather than a spoon knife (is the crook knife bigger?)
Good morning tengu have already thought of you with some tackle but not telling you what!!!
p.s. the bags arrived this morning, they are superb cheers very much.
I dont think the binos will be inclyded in your lucky surprise bag but rest assured the two fishing rods will be.and a host of other gear. am sending you a pm now
no need to be paranoid.
am not after one for myself, one of my friends was lookinh through a knife catalogue and saw one in there
I did rember being offered one but forgot who from
sorry bout that, memory like a tea bag!!!

What type are you after....cause I offered you one last week for another deal.
I'm not worried just paranoid now!


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.