girlie sheath making


Need to contact Admin...
Nov 24, 2007
Peak District
I needed to make some quick sheaths for the knives Robin just bought so I can take them and show them off at the BB meet in Leeds. Inspired by the scandinavian-style birch bark ones I scavenged around for some convenient materials and came up with this:

I think they're now far too girlie for Robin to want them any more :D


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 21, 2007
I needed to make some quick sheaths for the knives Robin just bought so I can take them and show them off at the BB meet in Leeds. Inspired by the scandinavian-style birch bark ones I scavenged around for some convenient materials and came up with this:

I think they're now far too girlie for Robin to want them any more :D

Nice one Nicola, I think they need some pink flowers on them though. Not that I'm girlie.
I still think you will end up with one of those knives, good luck.


robin wood

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Oct 29, 2007
Robin how do you think your leatherwork skills will hold against Mik's work.;)

good question and truth is they will be very poor by comparison, but it will be mine and I will love it. here is one of mine


I could send it off to have a professional do a really nice job to match Mik's work but there is a bit of me that feels I need to have ownership of a tool. I don't really get that feeling until I have worked with it, sharpened it, made a sheath for it. I guess that is what people get from the process that Stu Mitchell offers being part of the design, choosing the grind, shape handle material etc.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 20, 2007
Whitehaven Cumbria
I love that sheath as it goes well with knife and I have spoon knife with a similiar handle bought in Turkey.
With the right materials and research and your talent I am sure you can do a nice job my advice is half tanned leather for a scandi sheath

Mike Ameling

Need to contact Admin...
Jan 18, 2007
Iowa U.S.A.
Great job "improvising".

I've made some quick sheaths out of corrogated cardboard over the years. They ain't pretty, but they do the job.

Just take a section of thick corrogated cardboard from a box. See which way the inside layers run. Then slowly push your knife blade in between the outside layers. The inside layers will slowly cut or push out of the way. Now take your knife back out and lay it on top of that cardboard. Trace around it, then mark another line around one inch farther out. Then cut out that new temp "sheath". I just cut it out square - leaving plenty of extra around the blade.

These are very temporary, but also very functional. They also are far less "safe" than a true sheath, but sure beat having that uncovered blade floating around in your bag.

I've also made quick sheaths by just folding over a piece of that cardboard over the blade, and then stapling the two parts together just outside the blade. Hey, I'll even admit to folding a piece of cardboard around a knife blade, and then wrapping it all in duct tape! It's quick, and it works. Anything to keep from knicking my fingers when digging that knife out of a bag.

Just some thoughts to share.

Mikey - yee ol' grumpy blacksmith out in the Hinterlands


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