Mine generally takes a week to start and the same again to re-boost the plant.
I do keep it warm though; I think ten days is a more usual time.
Make up a yeast mixture using two mugsfuls of very warm water, two tablspoonsful of sugar, 2 tablespoonsful of ground, or four of grated fresh, ginger (no need to peel), and either a lump of fresh yeast about the size of a bantams egg or 1 level pudding spoonful of dried, or one sachet of breadmaking, yeast.
Put it in a largish jar and cover with a clean cloth or kitchen towel tied down with an elastic band. Keep the jar warm. This is the basic plant.
Next day, and each day thereafter, add, I teaspoonful (level if dried, heaped if fresh) ginger and one of sugar, stir well and re-cover.
After a week dissolve 500g (half a bag) of sugar in a litre of water, bring it slowly up to a boil and then turn off the heat, add another three litres of water thensqueeze and strain in the juice of two lemons (lime's nice ) Strain the contents of the plant jar through a cloth into the pan of warm water.
Strain again and bottle leaving a bit of room at the top of the bottle. Leave somewhere coolish for about a week then start drinking. Be wary, there's a lot of fermentation going to happen and the bottles are *live*. Generally it doesn't last long enough for it to be a problem though
It's very good chilled in Summer or heated gently in Winter.
The strainings of the plant can be returned to the jar and re watered and fed to keep the whole thing going again
p.s. the second plant is the bit that can be divided up to make two starters but tbh it's an awful lot of ginger beer :rolleyes
p.p.s. *Adult* ginger beer can be made by brewing as above but adding two generous measures of whisky or brandy to the bottles after three days of fizz building. This will stop any more fermentation and greatly add to the taste