General Sage Advice for DoE


Full Member
Apr 11, 2006
I had some good times on DoE especially on the expedtion and later residential.
I think my advice would be not to waste the opertunity. A lot of the young people whom I did DoE with took the easiest route to getting the sections completed, in the shortest time for the minimum effort.
I think I would advise a young person to try somthing new, somthing that takes longer to complete or is more difficult.
Particulary on the expedition many barely planned the trips away (leaving it to the adult staff) and carried out the expedition phase as close to home as possible.
I understand some people can't afford to do an expesive trip abroad but it seems such a waste, after all in adult life they might not get another chance to do somthing like it again.
Just my opinion. Ta Ed.


Jul 18, 2005
For the expedition, it's well worth the planning stages and if you can, recce the area - particularly the camp sites. Stick to those plans as best you can and make sure you camp where you say you will! Being in familiar territory will make navigation easier, and when you're tired and demoralised at the bottom of yet another hill you might at least know that the going is easy on the other side....

Will there be assessors out to observe while you're expeditioning? There was when I went(growing up in Perthshire you don't have to travel far for the hills). We were not only assessed for making it through the expedition but how well we stuck to our plans too.

Then again, if I'd had my choice I'd have taken a canoe abroad for some proper adventuring but all we had for resources was what we could beg, steal or borrow from the local Cadet force. Including the assessors!


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