General North West meet up for people willing to travel.

Hi all,

As a new member who is reading all the possible threads one can in a day. I'm noticing there's a lot of people posting specific regional meetups, however what I've found is that for us northerners we do not have as many possible wild camping areas as our southern counterparts, and in atleast my case, have to travel some way to get a decent area to practice my skills. I am therefore proposing that those who are willing to travel, do so and go somewhere we can happily camp without being disturbed or have a large amount of noise polution. If there is an area that you know of, any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. I, myself will be going to Bushmoot and the Wilderness Gatering this year because I would love to meet like minded people and there is also a rich wealth of knowledge for me to access and use in future wildcamps. Since I do not drive and I'm sure the journey would be extremely tedious and boring, I'm wondering if anybody would like to travel together.

Cheers lads,



We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.