Gas Guzzlers


Full Member
Oct 17, 2005
Sorry, I had better explain before you eat me Janie.
I am a builder and tow a big heavy trailer for my work to carry my tools and aggrigate about, a big 4x4 is the best tool for me, vans do not make good tow vehicles. I currently use an old landy 110. I am not a commuter, so I hope this is ok for you..........
Aug 4, 2005
Sunny South Wales.
janiepopps said:

Interesting link. :) I read somewhere that it's more environmentally friendly to drive an old but well maintained car as the pollution created in the construction of a new car outweighs the benefits in terms of cleaner exhaust emmissions. Anyone know if this is true? :dunno: It sounds quite plausible to me. We all know that the environmental benefits of using old fashioned Rockwool insulation is outweighed by the environmental damage caused by the factories which produce it. Regarding the micro cars recommended in the link, 50mpg would soon become 5mpg if I were to have one, as I'd have to make ten times as many trips as I do at the moment ...can't see a Smart Car towing much more than 300kg of timber....and of of course, it'd have to be organically grown free trade timber from a sustainable source :rolleyes: On a similar theme, check out the last few pages of this thread.


Jan 30, 2006
Heavenly Cornwall
Hey don't panic JP - For I am not the judger of all things 4x4, I just like a bl**dy good ad when I see one!

What I did find interesting was according to the website:

'According to The Independent, one in seven cars sold in London is now a 4x4'

Bizarre breed them city folk :confused:

Can't wait to see that one on channel 4 tho :D



Jan 30, 2006
Heavenly Cornwall
Oh Blimey, just read the end pages as you advised Havingagiraffe, and am now a little scared of the onslaught that may be about to follow...

...anyone that posts here please do so in the spirit of fun and if you want to rant then go back to the old posting and do so there!

I only put the link in because I thought it was funny and don't want to offend anyone big, hairy and who drives a bigger car than me!!! :p
Aug 4, 2005
Sunny South Wales.
janiepopps said:
Oh Blimey, just read the end pages as you advised Havingagiraffe, and am now a little scared of the onslaught that may be about to follow...

...anyone that posts here please do so in the spirit of fun and if you want to rant then go back to the old posting and do so there!

I only put the link in because I thought it was funny and don't want to offend anyone big, hairy and who drives a bigger car than me!!! :p

I was too scared to post on the old thread .... :eek:


Full Member
Oct 17, 2005
janiepopps said:
Hey don't panic JP - For I am not the judger of all things 4x4, I just like a bl**dy good ad when I see one!

What I did find interesting was according to the website:

'According to The Independent, one in seven cars sold in London is now a 4x4'

Bizarre breed them city folk :confused:

Can't wait to see that one on channel 4 tho :D

Sorry Janie, it was a good ad. Its just everyone mentions 4x4s as nasty things and as someone who really needs one, I do take it to heart sometimes........


Full Member
Oct 17, 2005
havingagiraffe said:

...but Mini Coopers do... :rolleyes: ...:drive: ....surprisingly quick but not so clever when it comes to slowing down... :eek: ....eventually had to be sensible and swap it for a 110.... :)
If your mini tried to tow my trailer, it would pull its chassis off or bury itself. Like the photo btw...........


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Yeah the old thread did get hairy :D and I was in it :eek:
To be honest I don't think *anyone* has any objection to those who use the 4x4's as necessities; it's the vanity/ego town only driving owners that get on folks wicks :rolleyes:


Jan 30, 2006
Heavenly Cornwall
Jon Pickett said:
Sorry Janie, it was a good ad. Its just everyone mentions 4x4s as nasty things and as someone who really needs one, I do take it to heart sometimes........

No worries JP, my dad is a farmer and owns a 4x4 and one day when I grow up(!) and have my own smallholding then I'm sure I'll be needing one too... :) It really did just make me laugh - honest!

BTW - 'Sorry, I had better explain before you eat me Janie.' ??? :confused: Is it normal to eat someone in Horsham driving a big car??!?? ;)


Bushcrafter through and through
Aug 7, 2003
havingagiraffe said:
Interesting link. :) I read somewhere that it's more environmentally friendly to drive an old but well maintained car as the pollution created in the construction of a new car outweighs the benefits in terms of cleaner exhaust emmissions. Anyone know if this is true? [/IMG]

The key to this is "well maintained". Because the bottom line is MPG. If the car started life at 30MPG and over the years, that has dropped to 15mpg, then the answer is no, ditch it and get a new car. The carbon output per ton of steel and aluminium is pretty constant, regardless of where the steel is smelted. It's pretty easy to estimate the amount of CO2 produced in manufacture, by knowing the weight of constituent materials. So basically we can fairly accurately work out how much CO2 is produced when making a given model of car.

On balance, an old car with a low MPG doing 12,000 miles a year, puts out more carbon than an economical car, even if you bought a brand new economical car every 2 or 3 years.

Obviously, if the old car is very well maintained and it's just as economical as it's modern day counterparts, then that is a different story - but how many 1976 series landrovers have the same MPG as a 2006 defender? If the 2006 defender is significantly more economical, then you'd be more environmentally friendly by buying the newer vehicle.

If your 20 year old landy does 30mpg, there is no real eco-reason to upgrade. But if it does 12mpg, there is every reason to trade it in.


Jan 26, 2005
:lmao: , what a popular guy! the moral of the story is "dont drive a 4X4 if you work for greenpeace"


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 15, 2005
I thought it was quite funny to be honest, perhaps not to be taken completley seriously and I can hardly talk with owning a 500 twostroke that gets MPG that I would rather not talk about on a forum that is interested in enviromental issues :eek:


May 8, 2005
But what do they use to get to their far flung ecowarrior battle grounds? Eh? Solar powered are they??
And what about that time they used their ship to circle an oil rig as a protest- just how much fuel did that use??
Time to get the French back in I say...


Life Member
Nov 24, 2004
I can't seem to open the Greenpeace link my Mac sulks and quits! These are my observations though.
Reading through this thread though I seem to get the drift. I echo Toddys comment re vanity and necessity. I live 30 miles from London and although I have never considered working there as my work is land based (trees etc) the norm locally now is to commute there. There are whole villages (dormatorys) where every other driveway seems to have a 4x4 parked on it. The dominant being BMW or Mercedes with a few Toyota Land Criusers and to cap it off the Mr steroid himself the Porsch. Not one with a tow bar. Consequently why do people have them? Except for vanity. It also seems like the colour in vogue is silver. I can promise that if you stood on any of the lanes during rush hour/school run every sixth car will be a 4x4 and silver ones will be in the majority.
From the working side most 4x4 builders trucks are crewcab Japs with plant trailers behind. Most farmers have LR 90 or 110 pickups although those that don't, have Jap 4x4 vans because they hate LRs and think them unreliable and expensive!
Pony club is mainly LR discos with a smattering of the superb Subaru. (to think you could enter an amateur rally with this car one day and then tow your horse box the next is not a bad combination!)
I said in the earlier thread that I had a 110 TD5 and just to finish off I compare this with the earlier 110 LR Defender. The earlier LR is more economical than the new one! by 70 miles to the tankfull!(400 miles to 330) Over a year that is quite a difference.
Series LRs get a big wave as those that ride in them are brave souls and those that use them for work need a medal and must have huge arm muscles to steer them with! They are still superb vehicles,although round here are now quite rare.
I go very much with the bike too, Spikey Da pikey, but as I get older I am more scared of the roads. In particular the big silver 4x4s cutting the corners. On a bike that is frightening!
Please note these are just my observations and not aimed at being offensive to anyone.


Full Member
Oct 17, 2005
janiepopps said:
No worries JP, my dad is a farmer and owns a 4x4 and one day when I grow up(!) and have my own smallholding then I'm sure I'll be needing one too... :) It really did just make me laugh - honest!

BTW - 'Sorry, I had better explain before you eat me Janie.' ??? :confused: Is it normal to eat someone in Horsham driving a big car??!?? ;)

No not normal..........Judging you by your first post, I thought you were an eco warrior and you were in full agreement with that ad, and was going to lay into me for owning a 4x4. Now I find you are a farmers daughter and I now see you in a different light, esp as you want a smallholding.
I now see you as a realist and a lover of the land, I may be totally wrong of course as I can only go by what I see you write, same as everyone on here, I don't know.
Good luck to you with your smallholding, it is something I would love (I think).
I have been working for someone today, who owns a smallholding and produces some lovely meat. Being paid in meat is a good way to go...........


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