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Full Member
May 23, 2014
Bit of p**s taking never hurt anyone. If we insist on sitting cross legged on the floor whittling spoons someones gonna have a pop :p

I'm a bushcrafter and lightweight hiker......i'v got no problems abusing either camp if it rises a smile :lmao:


Full Member
Nov 21, 2015

I've had the good fortune to have been able to experience some of natures most beautiful displays (including the blooming of the desert in Namaqualand South Africa and diving any number of coral reefs around the world), and can honestly say that camping amongst the bluebells at North Wood last year was a real treat and I'm sad that I won't be there this year.

That said, there is always room for improvement and for those for whom a stunning carpet of native bluebells in a centuries old patch of woodland is not enough, perhaps for next year you could sow some of those lovely white and pink Spanish bluebells to liven things up a bit.

That rather dreary OD parachute canopy could be replaced with something that really stands out (and ideally is at least 10 grammes lighter) and perhaps insist that rather than wearing subdued "earth" colours (or heaven forbid, "camo"), those attending should make more of an effort not to let nature steal the show and wear hi-viz bibs and perhaps DD could be persuaded to up their game and produce some tarps and hammocks in colours that can be seen from the International Space Station provided of course they are at least 5 grammes lighter than their current range and no more than three times the price.

Iron knives and axes are a bit passé in the titanium age and firewood is very heavy so of an evening, perhaps everyone could huddle round a titanium meths burner and discuss the merits, accuracy and naturally the weight of different types of scales.

Finally, those woodspirits you make are alright but a bit dull and heavy - I'm sure much lighter and more colourful plastic woodspirits could be mass produced in China ;)

Enjoy the woods next week. :)


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Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
There are a lot of very sensible, and heartening, replies on this thread :)

Cross forum spats are always nippy. It's not worth rising to them, it really isn't.

I think the bluebell woodlands are a beautiful time of year, right up there with the Japanese and their cherry blossoms. Total chill out in Spring.

Personally I'd rather blend in and be peaceful in the woodland rather than wrapping a tree in white bandages, but, y'know? each to their own. After all, we don't go to the woods and wonder if some 'hunter' is going to take pot shots at anything that moves, in this country, while dayglo orange is de rigeur elsewhere.

Right then; cross forum spat, threads get closed. So, that's what I'm going to do now. However, if someone feels that they really must have the last word, please pm and I'll see about inserting.

M….who has photos to post of the bluebells here too :)
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