Full moon over RA


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Jun 27, 2004
Monterey Peninsula, Ca., USA
I noticed how beautiful the full moon was, so I got out the camera and took a few photos with it, varying the settings cause I'm still learning on it. Anyways, here's what I ended up with.



Need to contact Admin...
Jun 27, 2004
Monterey Peninsula, Ca., USA
I'm using a Panasonic DMC-fz20 digital with a big leica zoom lens and 5 megapixel sensor. I'd like to get a nice D-SLR by either Nikon or Canon, but I hear Minolta has one with a built in Image Stabilizer, which the Panasonic I'm using also has and I need it from old war wounds of life, I shake a bit when I get into the picture taking possition and the stabilizer really helps to smooth it all out. ;)


Full Member
Oct 17, 2005
Fz 20 is a superb camera.......A full moon has so much glow that it is hard to take a good shot of it, I think you did a good shot there RA. Try taking a shot of the moon when it is only half covered and you will get some amazing detail, esp if your on max zoom 12x, with the camera set up on a tripod and on timer, to totaly eliminate any shake. When you zoom in again on your pc, you will be amazed............Jon

Ps.....The minolta dynax (maxim) is a lot of camera and a local pro I know uses one and is very pleased with it, but it is a lot of money and you have to spend out again on all the lenses. He uses a 500mm lense which cost him £2000. Your lense in the panasonic is 432mm on maximum and is still f2.8, thats fast. With an slr you also have a lot more kit to carry around. I am not trying to put you off buying one, I have just gone from slr to a sony h1, (similar to yours) and I find it is all I need, though I would like to have a manual focus like on yours.......Jon


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Jun 27, 2004
Monterey Peninsula, Ca., USA
Jon, thanks for the tip on gaining more detail. I also thought that getting the full moon as it just rises would be a very good time because it is so crystal clear and so much larger optically. Going to get the optional lenses, both wide and tele, as well as the filters that are available. I believe that they will enhance the photos as well as expand my capabilities some.

I've tried to manipulate the photo and I seem to get more detail, like the white impact lines and the craters darken up, but I also get a lot of squigglys in the image that don't belong there.


May 24, 2005
High Wycombe, Bucks
RovingArcher said:
I also thought that getting the full moon as it just rises would be a very good time because it is so crystal clear and so much larger optically..
Sorry, but the apparent increase in size is just an optical illusion - the moon has the same angular diameter near the hoizon that it does nearer zenith. Now where's the smiley for "watering" someone's fire...


May 5, 2005
Wouldn't you get less detail, not more, if the image is near the horizon as there is alot more atmospheric interference for the light to travel through than say when its right overhead?


May 5, 2005
Alright. I was being polite and beating around the bush, so to speak (Very British I know) :D

You will get more atmospheric intereference nearer the horizon. :)


Need to contact Admin...
Jun 27, 2004
Monterey Peninsula, Ca., USA
Yeah, got it. Probably give it a go anyways. There's a spot where I can park overlooking Monterey bay, where the moon comes up in all it's glory over the hills in the background and the moon reflects into the ocean waters. Very nice sight, but when the waters are still, it's almost breath taking (wife says). ;)


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